Yes, I know it's now the most voted for issue in the JIRA!
Can you guess what it is? If you guessed a Maven bundle/build for Spring you win. Come see me at The Spring Experience in December and we'll share a frosty beverage as your prize.
Mea Culpa
In a past life I did a lot of work in configuration management and build systems. When I started here at Interface21, I immediately volunteered to help out with the build infrastructure as much as I could. Next thing I know, I've got every single ticket relating to Maven in both Spring and Spring Web Flow assigned to me. Then through my own lackadaisical attitude towards the JIRA, I let this particular issue come to a boil. Over the past couple of months, things have been moving forward with regards to Spring and Maven; things I should have posted in the JIRA and didn't. This led to some justifiable venting in the main JIRA issue over the last couple of days. So in an effort to bring everyone up to speed here's the current status.Status
For those of you who have been in despair over the last couple of months about Spring 2.0 and Maven, you won't be for much longer. The Spring community has decided to incrementally convert all of the Spring projects over to Maven. As you may know Acegi has already been using Maven for a very long time. Recently the Spring-WS project converted as well. I've personally prototyped Spring Web Flow's conversion, and there is general agreement that Spring will move over as well.That said, it's not quite time for celebration. Converting the last two projects (Spring and Spring Web Flow) are non-trivial tasks (just take a look at Better Builds with Maven if you don't believe me). As such, the conversion is not something that we really want to do this close to the major 2.0 and 1.0 releases. What I can tell you is that the conversion is a goal scheduled for after the releases.