This Week in Spring - November 16th, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | November 16, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Can you believe it's nearly December 2021? I'm still getting used to the idea that we're already in 2021 and now the year's nearly behind us! Stop the world, I want off! Time's flying.

I've been up to my eyeballs in Spring Tips video production. I can't wait for you to see tomorrow's installment (@SpringTipsLive)!

We've also got some great podcast interviews lined up. As always, new episodes drop on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc., every Thursday night (California time)/Friday (for most of the world). Don't miss it (@BootifulPodcast)!

You could also just check out my blog ( for the upcoming appearances, podcasts, Spring Tips videos, etc. The trouble is that the blog is otherwise pretty boring. My boring content notwithstanding, it's a plain l'il page on the internet, and I've been wanting to mix it up…

This Week in Spring - November 9th, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | November 09, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How're you doin'? I'm doing alright! It's been raining cats and dogs here in San Francisco. California, the state where I live, dearly needs the rain, so it's a positive, I suppose. But it still feels miserable. Between the daylights savings time shortening the daylight significantly and the rain, it's a gloomy kind of day. At least there's a lot of good stuff to read! Let's dive right into it!

Update on EOL for Spring Security OAuth

Engineering | Joe Grandja | November 08, 2021 | ...

In May 2020, we announced that the Spring Security OAuth (legacy) project will reach end-of-life in May 2022. The same end-of-life timeline applies to the Spring Boot 2 auto-configuration project.

We are now 6 months away from the EOL date, and the currently supported version branch is 2.5.x, which is limited to security fixes only.

We recently announced the release of Spring Authorization Server 0.2.0, which is the first officially supported production-ready version backed by our new support policy.

We encourage users to migrate their applications to Spring Authorization Server 0.2.0, as it…

This Week in Spring - November 2nd, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | November 02, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How're you doin'? I've been busy as all get out emceeing the Reactive Summit 2021 event (it's free and it's online!). The event has been awe-inspiring because there are so many amazing speakers from all walks of life present and speaking. Today, the conference welcomed professor Carl Hewitt, the creator of the Actor Paradigm, as its keynote. Then, figuring there was no topping that and figuring they could go for broke, they foolishly ( muahahah! ) asked me to do the day two keynote. So, I'll be doing tomorrow's keynote…

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