Spring for Apache Kafka 1.1.3 available now

Releases | Artem Bilan | February 06, 2017 | ...

It is my pleasure to announce that the Spring for Apache Kafka 1.1.3 maintenance release is available now.

As usual, thanks to the community for any feedback and contribution as always. Looking forward for more!

This release contains several bug fixes, including proper offset commit handling when using a BatchListener; therefore an upgrade is highly recommended.

Right now master has been switched to the version 2.0 for Java 8 and Spring Framework 5.0 code base. We have some plans for high-level API for Kafka Streams and Reactor Kafka support.

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Cloud Foundry Manifest Editor Beta released for Visual Studio Code

Releases | Martin Lippert | February 03, 2017 | ...

As part of our activities to support developers around the globe building applications with Spring and deploying those apps to Cloud Foundry and PCF, we are proud to announce our first beta version of the Cloud Foundry Manifest editing support for Visual Studio Code (on macOS, Linux x64, and Windows).

Why Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight and open-source code editor that runs on macOS, Linux x64, and Windows. It is based on an interesting architecture with regards to extensibility. Support for languages in Visual Studio Code gets implemented as so called “language…

Spring IO Platform Brussels-RC1

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | February 02, 2017 | ...

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring IO Platform Brussels-RC1 is available now from the Spring milestone repository.

The Brussels release introduces the following projects to the Platform:

  • Spring Kafka 1.1

The Brussels release also upgrades the versions of a number of projects:

  • Spring AMQP 1.7
  • Spring Boot 1.5
  • Spring Data Ingalls
  • Spring Integration Java DSL 1.2
  • Spring Integration Kafka 2.1
  • Spring LDAP 2.3
  • Spring Security 4.2
  • Spring Session 1.3
  • Spring Web Services 2.4

The versions of numerous third-party dependencies have also been updated.

Please take RC1 for a spin and let us know if…

Spring IO Platform Athens-SR3

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | February 01, 2017 | ...

I am pleased to announce that Spring IO Platform Athens-SR3 is now available from both repo.spring.io and Maven Central.

This maintenance release upgrades the versions of a number of the projects in the Platform:

  • Spring AMQP 1.6.7
  • Spring Boot 1.4.4
  • Spring Data Hopper SR7
  • Spring Framework 4.3.6
  • Spring Integration 4.3.7

The versions of a number of third-party dependencies have also been updated.

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Spring Cloud Dalston M1 Released

Releases | Spencer Gibb | January 31, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that Milestone 1 (M1) of the Spring Cloud Dalston Release Train is available today. The release can be found in our Spring Milestone repository. You can check out the Dalston release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the Dalston Release Train

Spring Cloud Vault Config is a new project that provides client-side support for externalized secret management in a distributed system via Hashicorp Vault.

Config Server

Hashicorp Vault was previously added as a backend to Config Server to go along with the VCS based backends. Config…

Spring Boot 1.5.1 released

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | January 30, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Boot team, and everyone that has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Boot 1.5.1 has been released and is available now from repo.spring.io, Maven Central and Bintray. This release adds a significant number of new features and improvements. For full upgrade instructions and "new and noteworthy" features please see the release notes.

What's new in 1.5

Apache Kafka Support

Spring Boot 1.5 includes auto-configuration support for Apache Kafka via the spring-kafka project. To use Kafka simply include the spring-kafka dependency and configure the appropriate spring.kafka.* application…

Spring Data Release Train Hopper SR7 Released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | January 26, 2017 | ...

In preparation of the upcoming Spring Boot 1.4.4 release, I am pleased to announce the availability of the seventh service release of Spring Data release train Hopper. The release ships 39 tickets fixed and is a recommended upgrade for all users.

Spring Data Release Train Ingalls Goes GA

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | January 26, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team I'd like to announce the general availability of our Ingalls release train. After nine months of development, this release not only contains a huge set of new features, improvements and bug fixes, it also marks the conclusion of a branch of Spring Data that has helped developers dealing with persistence for more than 5 years --- even 8, if you count in some module's predecessors.

The release ships more than 630 tickets fixed in total. Here's a very truncated list of the most important features shipping with the release:

  • Upgrade to Spring 4.3 as Spring Framework baseline.
  • Add Spring Data LDAP (the Spring Data related bits of Spring LDAP) to the release train.
  • Elevate Spring Data for Apache Cassandra to a Core module, give it a complete overhaul and upgrade it to Cassandra 3. User defined types, support for Java 8 Stream and Optional etc.
  • Performance improvements in object-to-store mapping by avoiding reflection in favor of ASM generated code using method handles.
  • More aggregation framework for MongoDB.
  • Improved stream execution verification in JPA (reports a missing surrounding transaction).

Spring Boot 1.4.4 Available Now

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | January 26, 2017 | ...

I am pleased to announce that Spring Boot 1.4.4 has been released and is available now from repo.spring.io and Maven Central.

Spring Boot 1.4.4 includes over 60 fixes, improvements and 3rd party dependency updates! Thanks to all that have contributed!

If you're interested in helping out, check out the "ideal for contribution" tag in the issue repository. If you have general questions, please ask at stackoverflow.com using the spring-boot tag.

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