Spring Tool Suite 3.8.4 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | April 03, 2017 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the 3.8.4 release of the Spring Tool Suite, our Eclipse-based tooling.

Highlights from this release include:

  • updated to Eclipse Neon.3
  • completely revamped wizard for direct access to start.spring.io
  • boot dashboard: support for local Spring Cloud CLI services
  • boot dashboard: support for routes when deploying apps to CF
  • fixed font rendering on main STS dashboard
  • added support for Buildship 2.0
  • improved reliability for boot dashboard when showing status of running boot apps
  • issue tracking moved to GitHub Issues

To download the distributions, please go visit:

Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS 3.8.4 New & Noteworthy.

STS 3.9.0 is scheduled to be released on top of Eclipse Oxygen 4.7 in early July 2017.


Reactor Kotlin Extensions 1.0.0.M1 released

Releases | Sébastien Deleuze | March 28, 2017 | ...

Update: Kotlin is now natively supported by reactor-core and reactor-test without requiring any additional extensions.

I am excited to announce the release of the first milestone of Reactor Kotlin Extensions, which provides Kotlin extensions for Reactor API.

It provides support for Kotlin types like KClass, takes advantage of Kotlin reified type parameters and provide various extensions to allow more expressive code. You can see bellow a quick comparaison of Reactor with Java versus Reactor with Kotlin + extensions.

Java Kotlin with extensions
Mono.just("foo") "foo".toMono()
Flux.fromIterable(list) list.toFlux()
Mono.error(new RuntimeException()) RuntimeException().toMono()
Flux.error(new RuntimeException()) RuntimeException().toFlux()
flux.ofType(Foo.class) flux.ofType<Foo>() or flux.ofType(Foo::class)
StepVerifier.create(flux).verifyComplete() flux.test().verifyComplete()

Spring REST Docs 1.2.0.RC1

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | March 24, 2017 | ...

On behalf of everyone who contributed, it's my pleasure to announce that Spring REST Docs 1.2.0.RC1 has been released and is available from https://repo.spring.io/milestone/.

What's new?

A complete overview of what's new in 1.2 can be found in the release notes. The following are some of the highlights.

Improved Asciidoctor integration

REST Docs now has a new module, spring-restdocs-asciidoctor, that makes it easier to use the generated snippets in your documentation. A new macro means that you can import multiple snippets for the same operation in a single line. This update to the samples

Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.2 M3 released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | March 22, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the team, I am excited to announce the release of the third milestone of Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.2.

Note: A great way to start using this new release(s) is to follow the release matrix on the project page, which includes the download coordinates and the links to the reference guide.

Highlights of the 1.2 M3 release:

Companion Metadata Artifact

As part of the long awaited feature to improve access to app properties info for both shell and Dashboard, we are introducing a new optional artifact for both Stream and Task applications - we are calling it the “companion metadata artifact”

Spring Cloud Dalston RC1 Released

Releases | Ryan Baxter | March 21, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of the Spring Cloud Dalston Release Train is available today. The release can be found in our Spring Milestone repository. You can check out the Dalston release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the Dalston Release Train


Spring Cloud Vault Config is a new project that provides client-side support for externalized secret management in a distributed system via Hashicorp Vault.

Config Server

Config Server now has support for multiple backends via a Composite pattern. This allows for combinations…

Spring Cloud Task 1.2.0.M2 is now available

Releases | Glenn Renfro | March 21, 2017 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Cloud Task 1.2.0.M2 is now available via Github and the Pivotal download repository. Many thanks to all of those who contributed to this release.

Spring Cloud Task 1.2.0.M2 offers the following features:

  • Upgrade to Spring Cloud Dalston RC1 and Spring Boot 1.5.2 - This release is compatible with the Spring Cloud Dalston RC1 release.

  • Fixed invalid data type bug in Oracle Script.

  • Fixed bug in MySQL migration scripts so that they will work on file systems that are case sensitive.

  • Updated Spring Cloud Task samples to use Spring Boot 1.5.2.

  • Updated documentation to discuss unit testing and notes on using Transaction Managers.

Spring Vault 1.0 RC1 is now available

Releases | Mark Paluch | March 16, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce Spring Vault 1.0 RC1.

The artifacts are available in the Milestone repo.

Spring Vault includes 15 fixes, improvements and dependency upgrades.

Here’s a short-list of the most important features shipping with the release:

  • Support for renewable @VaultPropertySource with credentials rotation
  • Reshaping APIs dropping VaultClient and using RestTemplate instead
  • Added EnvironmentVaultConfiguration for simplified configuration without the need to create a derived configuration class.


Without the community, we couldn’t be the…

Spring Cloud Stream Chelsea.RC1 released

Releases | Marius Bogoevici | March 16, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the team, I am pleased to announce the release of Spring Cloud Stream Chelsea.RC1. Spring Cloud Stream Chelsea.RC1 is available for use in the Spring Milestone repository, and a detailed description of its features can be found in the reference documentation. For information about artifacts and a complete list of changes, please consult the release notes.

What is new?

Here’s a summary of the major new features and improvements brought by the new release:

Dispatching capabilities added to StreamListener

We’ve added support for dispatching messages to multiple @StreamListener methods

Spring Cloud Camden.SR6 is available

Releases | Ryan Baxter | March 10, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the team, I am pleased to announce that Service Release 6 of the Spring Cloud Camden Release Train is available today. The release can be found in our Spring Release repository and Maven Central. The documentation can be found here.

NOTE: There was an upstream fix in Spring Cloud Streams that fixes issues with Spring Cloud Bus, Hystrix, and Turbine. See this issue for more information.

The following modules were updated as part of Camden.SR6:

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