Spring XD 1.1 GA and 1.0.4 released

Releases | Mark Pollack | February 12, 2015 | ...

Six months after the 1.0 GA release, the team is happy to announce the availability of Spring XD 1.1 GA.

Download Links:

Please read Sabby Anandan's blog for a general overview of Spring XD. Specific to 1.1, a ton of features have been added. Here are some that will give you the most bang for your big data buck.

Spring XD: Data-Driven Connectivity Within a Unified Platform

Releases | Sabby Anandan | February 12, 2015 | ...

Whether you’re at home, office, or in-transit, connectivity is the norm. It’s a part of daily life that we’ve all come to expect and depend on. Connectivity between people and information is all about the movement and analysis of data: data delivers insights, and these insights must increasingly deliver immediate results to users. This level of always-on, always-available connectedness presents numerous challenges. The type of data, formats, and volume is dynamic, as are the data-producing agents.

Spring XD addresses these numerous challenges within a unified platform. Whether through…

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.1 Released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | February 09, 2015 | ...

It was about six months ago that we started work on the 2.1 version of Spring for Apache Hadoop. We are now pleased to announce the general availability of version 2.1.0.

Beginning with the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.1 version, we now only support Hadoop 2.0 APIs and no longer provide backwards compatibility with older Hadoop v1 distributions. If you need support for older Hadoop versions please use the 2.0.4 or 1.1.0 versions of Spring for Apache Hadoop.

The main new features for the 2.1 version are:

Configuration and Boot support:

  • New @Configuration changes and improvements to the Boot auto configuration features. A good example of this support can be seen in the boot-fsshell DemoApplication example app

Spring Integration Kafka Extension 1.0.GA is available

Releases | Artem Bilan | February 09, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring community,

We are pleased to announce that the Spring Integration Kafka 1.0 GA extension is now available, providing familiar Spring Integration endpoints for Apache Kafka. As usual, use the Release Repository with Maven or Gradle

compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-kafka:1.0.0.RELEASE"

or download a distribution archive, to give it a spin.

First of all thanks to all who contributed to the project - special thanks to the project's founder Soby Chacko, who implemented the infrastructure, as well as the High Level Consumer-based message source and the producers, and also to Marius Bogoevici, who learned the intricacies of the Simple Consumer API…

Spring Security OAuth 2.0.6.RELEASE Available Now

Releases | Dave Syer | February 02, 2015 | ...

Spring Security OAuth 2.0.6.RELEASE is available now in the usual repositories. It's a bug fix release, and users of 2.0.5.RELEASE should upgrade. The only critical bug was for users of JWT with refresh tokens, and there were also some people experiencing double encoding of redirect uris, which is now fixed. Highlights of new features:

  • (Much requested) ability to have non-expiring refresh tokens with no customizations (just set the validity period to zero or less)

  • The /token endpoint only accepts POST requests by default

  • Resource servers do not accept cookie based authentication by default (you have to switch it on)

  • Resource server configuration has a few new options including the ability to inject custom error handlers

Spring Cloud 1.0.0.RC2 Available Now

Releases | Dave Syer | February 02, 2015 | ...

Spring Cloud 1.0.0.RC2 is available now in the http://repo.spring.io repository. There was a lot of activity pruning and curating dependencies, so users upgrading from RC1 might need to tweak their starter dependencies a bit, but hopefully we are all in a better place as a result. There were also a lot of changes in the Security features, making it easier to customize various parts of that, mainly in response to people actually using it and needing help (so thanks for the feedback). We will probably have an RC3 before the GA, but things are getting pretty close to ready.

Spring Data Evans SR 2 and Dijkstra SR 5 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | January 28, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team I'd like to announce the availability of the second service release for Spring Data release train Evans as well as the fifth - and final one - of Spring Data Dijkstra.

The releases ship 191 tickets fixed, some of them quite significant bugfix and performance improvements and thus the releases recommended upgrades within the trains. The Dijkstra service release is planned to be the last one for that train. Users are recommended to upgrade to Evans as bug fixes will only be ported to that branch going forward.

Find all resolved tickets for Evans SR 2 here, all tickets for Dijkstra SR5 here. Up next is the first release candidate of the Fowler release train that already contains a few very interesting features

Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.6.3.SR1 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | January 19, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We have released a minor service release for STS/GGTS 3.6.3 on Eclipse 4.4.1 to address a security vulnerability that was found in the JGit client. More details on this can be found here: JGit client (CVE-2014-9390)

To download the updated distributions, please go visit:

Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS/GGTS 3.6.3.SR1 New & Noteworthy.

STS/GGTS 3.6.4 is scheduled to ship in March 2015, shortly after the Eclipse Luna SR2 release.


Spring Batch and Spring Batch Admin Releases

Releases | Michael Minella | January 16, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce a number of Spring Batch related releases today. A bug fix release for Spring Batch, a bug fix release for Spring Batch Admin and a milestone release for the new version of Spring Batch Admin are all now available.

Spring Batch 3.0.3

Spring Batch 3.0.3 represents the latest maintenance release for Spring Batch, addressing a number of enhancements and minor bug fixes. New features in Spring Batch 3.0.3 include:

Improved Support For JSR-352 Custom Infrastructures

Before this release, the only way to override the infrastructure provided by Spring Batch out of the box for JSR-352 configured jobs was to include the configuration in the job's context. This prevented the ability to configure a global override for really shared components. With 3.0.3, you can now specify the location of a Spring configuration via a System property that can override the existing infrastructure.

Optional Polling For Partitioned Results

When using remote partitioning, the master needs a way to be notified that the slave partitions have completed their work. Historically that has been accomplished by each slave replying to the master, the results being aggregated, and then the master being notified that all the slaves have completed. However, this required extra configuration that may not be necessary. Since the slaves in a partitioned job maintain their state in the same job repository that the master does, the master can just poll the job repository to see if the slaves are complete. This release adds the ability to configure the MessageChannelPartitionHandler to poll the job repository instead of waiting for response messages. You can read more about the configuration of this new feature in the documentation for the MessageChannelPartitionHandler.

This isn't a complete list of updates, but highlight the major new features. You can see exactly what changed in Spring Batch's Jira issue tracker here: https://jira.spring.io/browse/BATCH/

Spring Batch Admin


The first of two Spring Batch Admin releases we are making available today is the first maintenance release for the Spring Batch Admin 1.3 line. This release addresses a number of minor bugs, the list of which can be found in Jira here: https://jira.spring.io/browse/BATCHADM/


The biggest question I received at SpringOne2GX this past year was "What's going on with Spring Batch Admin?" Spring Batch Admin had its last update in July (shortly before SpringOne2GX last year), but it wasn't much of a feature upgrade. It was released to update the dependencies and address some bugs. Since then, we've been hard at work updating a number of features to bring Spring Batch Admin up to date. Today we announce the first milestone towards that goal.

JSR-352 Support

Spring Batch Admin, as part of the 2.0.0.M1 release, will now support JSR-352 configured jobs. By dropping your XML based configuration in the /META-INF/batch-jobs directory as the spec requires, Spring Batch Admin will load the job to be launchable by the REST endpoints and the current UI. All of the monitoring aspects provided by Spring Batch Admin (viewing the executions, start/stop/restart, etc) are available.

Java Configuration Support

As the shift within the Spring community has been going from XML based configuration to java based configuration, Spring Batch Admin is keeping up. As of this release, Spring Batch Admin supports the configuration of a package to scan for java configured Spring Batch jobs. As with any other batch jobs, these will be loaded and available for execution just like their XML counterparts.

It's important to note, that while Spring Batch Admin now supports java based configuration, you won't want to use @EnableBatchProcessing with it. There's a reason for that. @EnableBatchProcessing provides a collection of infrastructure that is already provided out of the box by Spring Batch Admin. Configuring jobs via java config for use within Spring Batch Admin is exactly the same as if you were using @EnableBatchProcessing...without using that annotation. You still get the ability to autowire the JobBuilderFactory and StepBuilderFactory just like you normally would.

REST Endpoint Updates

As part of the work the Spring XD team has been doing in their administration UI, they have created a completely new set of batch related REST endpoints. This release migrates those endpoints into Spring Batch Admin for all to consume. Off of the /batch path lives a collection of endpoints that provide functionality similar to the existing REST API, however goes much further. The new API follows HATEOAS principles allowing for API discovery and traversal. While the support of HATEOAS is a work in progress, this release provides a look into where we're going with this.

The Future of Spring Batch Admin

Like all of the Spring projects, we strive to make things backwards compatible as much as reasonable possible. Because of that, Spring Batch Admin 2.0 is undergoing some major changes to allow backwards compatibility in the future. These changes include, the removal of an "official" UI, and deprecation of the older version of the REST API. This release does not contain any of these changes. These changes will be coming before Spring Batch Admin 2.0 is generally available. It is our desire to be open and transparent as to the direction of the project.

Anyone that has followed the rate of change in the UI space over the past few years can quickly discern that picking a modern front-end technology and being able to maintain backwards compatibility for the foreseeable future is not possible right now. The rate of breaking changes is just too great right now. When factoring this into our desire to provide tools at the forefront of their related space, we've decided to remove the UI as a formal part of the project. That being said, we still understand that a client is an important piece of what Spring Batch Admin brings to the table. Because of this, it is our plan to provide a collection of sample projects that demonstrate a couple different client options. This will allow us to evolve client options independently of the core framework/API in a way that doesn't prevent us from being backwards compatible.

We will also be deprecating the older version of the REST API. The new API takes a step forward in the REST API maturity model, moving from basic CRUD over HTTP to support for true resources. While the new REST endpoints are still a work in progress, once they are feature complete, we will deprecate the old ones to focus development efforts on improving and evolving the new set.

Where We Go From Here

We will continue to work on the changes mentioned above and currently plan on another release early in the second quarter of this year. We are excited about the future of Spring Batch Admin and look forward to your feedback in Jira, Github, StackOverflow, and social media!

Spring IO Platform 1.1.1 released

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | January 15, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring IO Platform 1.1.1.RELEASE is now available from both repo.spring.io and Maven Central.

The main highlight of this release is the addition of Spring Session 1.0.0.RELEASE to the Platform.

In addition, this release also upgrades the versions of a number of the projects to pick up their latest maintenance releases:

  • Spring AMQP 1.4.2.RELEASE
  • Spring Boot 1.2.1.RELEASE
  • Spring Framework 4.1.4.RELEASE
  • Spring Integration 4.1.2.RELEASE

The versions of many third-party dependencies have also been updated.

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