Spring Cloud Sleuth 3.1.0 is out!
With the release of the Spring Cloud 2021.0.0 (aka Jubilee) release train we're more than happy to announce the general availability of Spring Cloud Sleuth 3.1.0. In this blog post we'll describe the most notable released features.
Here is the list of most notable features, we'll elaborate on them in the subsequent parts of this post.
- JDBC #1930
- Tomcat Valve #1329
- Spring Vault #1952
- Automatic tag table generation for documentation #1950
- Spring Cloud Deployer #1947
- R2DBC #1524
- Kafka #2013 and Reactor Kafka #1708
- Spring TX #1941
- Spring Batch #1904
- RSocket #1677
- Spring Cloud Task #1903
- Spring Cloud Config #1915
- Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker Reactive #1910
- Cassandra #1974
- Spring Session #1961
- Spring Security #2011
- Prometheus Exemplars #2039
- Spring Cloud Stream Reactive #2038
- Reactive Mongo #2044
- Abstracted Redis instrumentation #2046
- Custom Actuator for storing traces #1879 …