Spring Framework 5.1 goes RC1

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | July 26, 2018 | ...

Dear Spring community,

It is my pleasure to announce that a feature-complete Spring Framework 5.1 release candidate is available from our milestone repository now! Find a comprehensive list of new features and refinements and corresponding upgrade notes on our GitHub wiki.

Spring Framework 5.1 requires JDK 8 or higher and specifically supports JDK 11 as the next long-term support release. We strongly recommend an upgrade to 5.1 for any applications targeting JDK 11, delivering a warning-free experience on the classpath as well as the module path. Beyond that, initial refinements for GraalVM

Spring Data Lovelace RC1 available

Releases | Mark Paluch | July 26, 2018 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team, it is my pleasure to announce the availability of the Lovelace RC1 release. The first release candidate ships on top of the just-released Spring Framework 5.1 RC1 and in preparation of the upcoming Spring Boot 2.1 M1 release.

This release candidate ships with 194 tickets fixed and contains the following notable changes:

  • Support for immutable objects.
  • Upgrade of Querydsl for MongoDB to use the Document API, letting you publish lifecycle events and participation in managed transactions.
  • Reactive Slice query support for Apache Cassandra.
  • Kotlin extension for Apache Cassandra.
  • Reactive SCAN support for Redis.

This Week in Spring - July 24th, 2018

Engineering | Josh Long | July 25, 2018 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in San Francisco in studio with Spring Security lead Rob Winch filming our new Spring Security Livelessons video. There is so much to cover that, as you can imagine, it's a tall order even for the two of us!

I'm also busily preparing for my talk with my buddy and Googler Ray Tsang at this week's Google Cloud NEXT event on all things Pivotal and Google Cloud. We're going to look at the bootiful Spring Cloud GCP project and, importantly, the new project jointly announced between Google and Pivotal just this morning, KNative, which serves as the platform on which we at Pivotal have built and deployed our Project Riff serverless function-as-a-service runtime. Do not

Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.6 RC1 released

Releases | Mark Pollack | July 23, 2018 | ...

The Spring Cloud Data Flow team is pleased to announce the release of 1.6 RC1. Follow the Getting Started guides for Local Server, Cloud Foundry, and Kubernetes.

Here are the release highlights:

PCF Scheduler

The Pivotal Cloud Foundry implementation of Scheduler improved on a few fronts to enhance the developer experience. Validation of the cron-expression and proactive measures to prevent the scheduler service from creating incorrect schedules is now part of this release.


The stream deployment history is available for review from the Dashboard. It is convenient to review the context…

Spring REST Docs 1.2.5.RELEASE

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | July 19, 2018 | ...

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring REST Docs 1.2.5.RELEASE is available from Maven Central, JCenter, and our release repository. My thanks to everyone who contributed to this release by reporting bugs and opening pull requests.

This maintenance release includes a handful of bug fixes and documentation improvements. It is a recommend upgrade for all Spring REST Docs 1.x users.

GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Twitter | Gitter | Stack Overflow

Spring REST Docs 2.0.2.RELEASE

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | July 19, 2018 | ...

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring REST Docs 2.0.2.RELEASE is available from Maven Central, JCenter, and our release repository. My thanks to everyone who contributed to this release by reporting bugs and opening pull requests.

This maintenance release includes 4 bug fixes and documentation improvements. It is a recommend upgrade for all Spring REST Docs 2.x users.

GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Twitter | Gitter | Stack Overflow

This Week in Spring - July 17th, 2018

Engineering | Josh Long | July 17, 2018 | ...

Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Can you believe we're already midway through the year?? Stunning.

This week I'm in San Francisco preparing for a video shoot next week and a joint presentatio with Google's Ray Tsang at next week's Google NEXT and tomorrow it's off to Portland, OR, for the epic OSCON event where I'll be doing a book signing at the O'Reilly booth on Wednesday and I'll be doing a talk, Reactive Spring, on thursday. As usual, if you're in the region and want to chat or grab a Voodoo doughnut, don't hesitate to say hi!

Now, without further…

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