Spring Tips: Spring Tool Suite
Speaker: Josh Long
Hi Spring fans! In this installment we look at the Spring Tool Suite, your premier Eclipse-based destination for building Spring applications.
Speaker: Josh Long
Hi Spring fans! In this installment we look at the Spring Tool Suite, your premier Eclipse-based destination for building Spring applications.
It is my pleasure to announce that the Spring Framework 4.3.5, 4.2.9 and 3.2.18 maintenance releases are available now.
4.3.5 is a significant refinement release with 37 enhancements (including e.g. WebSocket support for the recently released Jetty 9.4) and several bug fixes, serving as the basis for the upcoming Spring Boot 1.4.3 release.
Please note that the 4.2.9 and 3.2.18 bug fix releases are the last in their respective line, with 4.2.x being superseded by 4.3.x now and 3.2.x reaching its EOL point. Going forward, we expect all users to upgrade to 4.3.5+ for further support.
All three releases also fix a path traversal vulnerability (CVE-2016-9878) in ResourceServlet
If you happen to be among its rare users, please upgrade ASAP. Note that this functionality has been superseded for years already and will get removed in 5.0, so we actually recommend a migration to Spring MVC's resource handling features within a DispatcherServlet
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in the winter wonderland of Toronto, Canada, hanging out with the amazing Pivotal Labs Toronto office and working with some of the largest financial institutions in all of Canada as they transition to Spring Cloud and to Pivotal Cloud Foundry. I love seeing seemingly large, lumbering companies run at startup speeds and crave it.
This week is the week of Christmas for some in the world, followed shortly by the western western new year. If you celebrate either (or both) of them, then, on behalf of the Spring team, let me wish you the happiest of holidays! I, for one, can't believe we're now less than two weeks away from 2017 (and with it, the beginning of the 7th year writing This Week in Spring…
Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speaker: Sébastien Deleuze Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/developing-a-geospatial-webservice-with-kotlin-and-spring-boot
As described in this announcement I made on the Spring blog, it is now easy to create a Spring Boot application using Kotlin.
Thanks to a sample Geospatial messenger application, I will show how Spring Boot and Kotlin share the same pragmatic, innovative and opinionated mindset to allow you to build simple but powerful projects.
This talk will provide an opportunity to show how to use a relational database without JPA…
Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speaker: James Weaver Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/machine-learning-exposed-64845395 The term "machine learning" is increasingly bandied about in corporate settings and cocktail parties, but what is it, really? In this session we'll answer that question, providing an approachable overview of machine learning concepts, technologies, and use cases. We'll then take a deeper dive into machine learning topics such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and deep learning. We'll also survey various machine learning APIs and platforms…
Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speaker: Simon Ritter, Azul Systems Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/project-jigsaw-in-jdk-9-modularity-comes-to-java-64849781
Project Jigsaw will bring modularity to the Java platform; something that will enable better security, performance and flexibility for deployment of applications. This talk will look at the fundamentals of how modularity in Java will work. Developers will need to understand that these changes go significantly further than just separating the standard class libraries into a number of discrete units.
This talk will…
Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speakers: Stephane Nicoll and Yann Cebron, JetBrains Slides: None, live coding IDEs can be powerful, but hard to learn. Some features are hidden or simply not well known.
Let’s end this dilemma and make you more productive and efficient when working on Spring applications. Learn how to navigate, edit and perform refactorings across a variety of common Spring technologies.
You’ll leave this session with a whole stack of power tricks - right from the developers working on it.
Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speaker: Simon Ritter, Azul Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/jdk8-lessons-learnt-with-lambdas-and-streams
Lambda expressions and the streams API add a more functional style of programming to Java; something developers have not really had in the past.
This session will start with a short summary of the key features of both Lambda expressions and streams before moving on to some real world examples of how to use them effectively, including a number of lessons learnt from trying to apply an imperative style of programming when it should have…
Recorded at SpringOne Platform 2016. Speakers: Stéphane Nicoll, Brian Clozel Slides: None, all live coding Spring Boot DevTools is not the only new feature that boosts your productivity. During this live coding session, we’ll work on 10 common app features and see how Boot is making your life easier.
We’ll cover the following:
Development cycle with Devtools, H2 Web console and persistent web sessions Manage custom error pages Managing application Cache Supporting OAuth2 in your app Using your custom AuthenticationPrincipal Using a persistent database in production Evolving your…
Greetings Spring community,
I am happy to release the second milestone for Spring Cloud Spinnaker. Spring Cloud Spinnaker bundles up the continuous delivery Spinnaker platform, and provides a 1-click installer to let you install it to any certified Cloud Foundry provider.
UPDATE: This blog post originally cited M2, however one of our early adopters spotted a critical bug, so M3 has been built and released with the fix in hand.
Key features included in this release:
Much more simplified way to login, select your org and space from dropdowns, etc., shooting for as simple an experience as possible.
Ability to manage two CF spaces
Support for Jenkins and Travis CI monitoring.
Configure email and slack notifications
Move to hosted uber JARs, meaning installing the installer is no longer a bugbear
Other enhancements regarding to Spinnaker itself include ability to clone server groups, an upgrade to our Reactor-based cf-java-client 2 library, and also enhance UX showing more CF information than ever.