Spring Tool Suite 3.8.1 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | August 03, 2016 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the 3.8.1 release of the Spring Tool Suite, our Eclipse-based tooling.

STS 3.8.1 focuses on fixing existing issues. The list of fixed issues include:

  • Spring Boot Dashboard works behind a proxy again
  • Assert templates now use JUnit or AssertJ, depending on what is on the classpath of the project
  • Fixed an issue with the Groovy-Eclipse m2e connector with missing source folders
  • Added an action to jump to the ngrok admin web UI directly from the boot dashboard
  • Fixed an issue with the port of a boot app not showing up in the dashboard
  • and more...

To download the distributions, please go visit:

Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS 3.8.1 New & Noteworthy.


SpringOne Platform 2016 Recap: Day 1

Engineering | Josh Long | August 03, 2016 | ...

by Josh Long and Pieter Humphrey

Spring's central to a key message: software is business differentiating functionality, and everything that defers an organization's from delivering better software, faster and safer, should be automated or eliminated. SpringOne Platform captures that narrative with talks on all things continuous delivery.

The SpringOne Platform 2016 event shows how everything about this show has been bigger and better than ever! We've doubled the conference attendance from 2015, with record (2000+) attendees, 200+ talks, 30+ sponsors, amazing speakers from Netflix, Paypal…

This Week in Spring - SpringOne Platform 2016 edition! - August 2nd, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | August 03, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another very special installment of This Week in Spring - this week Pivotal is out in force at SpringOne Platform 2016. This year saw more people, more topics and more sponsors than ever! For more, check out our SpringOne Platform recap blog!

If you're not here, then fear not all the talks will be available online, but until then.. wish you were here! As with previous years, the race to SpringOne was filled with awesome releases that should keep you more than busy while you wait for the talks to be available online as replays! Let's get to it!

  • Spring Boot co-lead Phillip Webb announced Spring Boot 1.4, just in time for SpringOne Platform!
  • ..and Spring Boot ninja Stephane Nicoll announced Spring Boot 1.3.7
  • Spring Data ninja Mark Paluch announced Spring Data Ingalls M1, packed with lots of new features (and 250 tickets fixed!) include for property access in conversion subsystem (Commons, MongoDB), an update to Cassandra 3.0 for Spring Data Cassandra,

Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache YARN 1.0.1 released

Releases | Janne Valkealahti | July 29, 2016 | ...

We are pleased to announce the release of Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache YARN 1.0.1.RELEASE.

Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache YARN provides support for orchestrating long-running (streaming) and short-lived (task/batch) data microservices on Apache YARN.

Apart from usual minor fixes, we have worked on the following themes.

  • Support for kerberos and integration to automated ambari kerberos setup.
  • Support for HDFS HA Namenode setup.
  • New extension to dataflow-shell adding hadoop fs basic commands.

For a complete list of changes and improvements, please refer to 1.0.1.RELEASE server release, 1.0.1.RELEASE deployer release, 1.0-2.RELEASE rpm release and 1.0-2.RELEASE ambari plugin release

Spring IO Platform 2.0.7.RELEASE

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | July 29, 2016 | ...

I am pleased to announce that Spring IO Platform 2.0.7.RELEASE is now available from both repo.spring.io and Maven Central.

This maintenance release upgrades the versions of a number of the projects in the Platform:

  • Spring Boot 1.3.7.RELEASE
  • Spring Integration 4.2.9.RELEASE
  • Spring Web Flow 2.4.4.RELEASE

The versions of a number of third-party dependencies have also been updated.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

Spring Cloud Task 1.0.2.RELEASE is now available

Releases | Michael Minella | July 29, 2016 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Cloud Task 1.0.2.RELEASE is now available via Maven Central, Github and the Pivotal download repository. This release provides some minor enhancements including persisting of the completion of a task when terminated by an external signal. Many thanks to all of those who contributed to this release.

Spring Cloud Task Home | Source on GitHub | Reference Documentation

We look forward to your feedback in Github, StackOverflow, to me directly via Twitter @michaelminella or at SpringOnePlatform next week!

Spring IO Platform Athens RC1

Engineering | Andy Wilkinson | July 29, 2016 | ...

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring IO Platform Athens-RC1 is available now from the Spring milestone repository.

This release is the first to adopt a new alphabetical versioning scheme similar to those already used by Spring Cloud and Spring Data. The theme for the Platform's versions is world cities.

The Athens release upgrades the versions of a number of projects:

  • Spring Framework 4.3
  • Spring AMQP 1.6
  • Spring Boot 1.4
  • Spring Data Hopper
  • Spring Hateoas 0.20
  • Spring Integration 4.3
  • Spring LDAP 2.1
  • Spring REST Docs 1.1
  • Spring Security 4.1
  • Spring Session 1.2
  • Spring Web Services 2.3


Webinar Replay: Introducing Spring Cloud Task

News | Pieter Humphrey | July 29, 2016 | ...

Speaker: Michael Minella, Pivotal One of the major promises of the cloud is that of flexibility. Today, most applications deployed to the cloud are long running processes that use the flexibility of cloud scaling. But computing is full of short lived tasks that start up, do their work, and then terminate. These tasks are excellent cloud use cases since resources can quickly be provisioned - and reclaimed.

In this webinar, we’ll explore a new project in the Spring Cloud portfolio, Spring Cloud Task, a new framework for developing and orchestrating short-lived microservices. We’ll explore…

Spring Framework 5.0 M1 released

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | July 28, 2016 | ...

Dear Spring community,

It is my pleasure to announce that the first Spring Framework 5.0 milestone is available now: Check http://projects.spring.io/spring-framework/ for how to obtain it from our milestone repository, and give it a spin while it's hot!

Find out about the 5.0 M1 changes on our What's New wiki page or in more detail on JIRA. Follow our master branch on GitHub for the latest updates.

Most importantly, our Spring Reactive initiative has been merged into Spring Framework proper, with core reactive functionality and reactive web endpoint support available out of the box now. Stay tuned for Rossen's blog post on our reactive…

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