SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Introducing RxJava into a Spring Boot REST API

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 04, 2016 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Speakers: Simon Baslé, Laurent Doguin Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/practical-rxjava Web / JavaScript Track RxJava is an awesome library for async data streams. It is both expressive and powerful but the learning curve can be quite steep at first. So we want to quickstart developers into the world of Reactive eXtensions with more context than just listing operators! Adapted from a hands-on workshop, this talk will describe how one can migrate code into a fully async and RxJava-based application, built upon Spring Boot and Java 8. What kind…

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Boot your search with Spring

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 04, 2016 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Track: Data / Integration Speaker: Christoph Strobl Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/boot-your-search-with-spring Abstract: Search has become a major part in our applications. We want to find, quick and easy! This session focuses on integrating search solutions like Solr, Elasticsearch as well as MongoDBs full text search into your application. We’ll have a look on Spring Data’s abstraction for those and do some hands on auto configuration using Spring Boot (100% XML free setup guaranteed).

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Data Driven Action: a primer on Data Science

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 04, 2016 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015. Track: Big Data Speakers: Sarah Aerni, Srivatsan Ramanujam, Jarrod Vawdrey Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/data-driven-action-a-primer-on-data-science Abstract: In all industries, as software is eating the world, data is feeding software. However, to truly get value out of the data being generated, it must be analyzed and made actionable. Transformation in many industries actually means precisely this, data-driven action. From creating new television shows, to smart devices that help make your life easy, save precious limited resources, or…

SpringOne2GX 2015 replay: Spring Boot and JRebel

News | Pieter Humphrey | January 04, 2016 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015. Track: Core Spring Speakers: Adam Koblentz and Josh Long Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/springboot-jrebel-cf Abstract: Spring Boot, the new convention-over-configuration centric framework from the Spring team at Pivotal, marries Spring's flexibility with conventional, common sense defaults to make application development not just fly, but pleasant! Spring Boot gives you a huge leg up over normal starter projects, now let's give you another boost by adding JRebel. With JRebel, the average Java developer saves over 1 work-month per year by…

This Year in Spring - December 29, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | December 29, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring where, with 2016 just around the corner, we'll look at some interesting news from the last week and we'll take a moment to review another amazing year in the Spring and Pivotal ecosystem.

Now let's look at an short-and-sweet list of the latest-and-greatest from the last week:

Spring Cloud Stream 1.0 M3 and Data Flow 1.0 M2 released

Releases | Mark Pollack | December 29, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the team, I am pleased to announce several releases in the Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Data Flow family of projects.

Spring Cloud Stream 1.0 M3 introduces the following features

Spring Cloud Stream Modules 1.0 M2 adds many new modules with updated documentation.

  • Sources: File, Load Generator, sftp, and tcp
  • Processors: httpclient, PMML, and Splitter
  • Sinks: Cassandra, Field Value Counter, file, ftp, gemfire, HDFS Dataset, JDBC, tcp, throughput, and websocket

This Week in Spring - December 22, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | December 22, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, many of us will be off for the Christmas holiday. If you celebrate, then let me wish you the Merriest of Christmases from our team. If you don't celebrate, we'll see you next week as we look at our annual This Year in Spring! and welcome 2016!

Holiday or not, there's a lot of great stuff to read this week so let's get to it!

  1. If you're using Spring Cloud Eureka and Jersey you may run into issues because Eureka itself uses Jersey 1.x where as Spring Boot's Jersey support is based on Jersey 1. Read how Aleksandar Stoisavljevic solved it

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.3.0 GA released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | December 22, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.3.0 GA release.

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.3 adds the following new features and improvements:

  • Added support for Hive 1.x and updated HiveTemplate to work with HiveServer2
  • New batch tasklet for Apache Spark, see docs for a usage example
  • Added FlushTimeoutTrigger to StoreObjectSupport to allow to flush to disk during writes
  • Replaced internal state machine implementation with new "spring-statemachine" project
  • Added jobHistoryAddress to SpringHadoopProperties for Boot configuration
  • Update build to use Spring Framework 4.2.4, Spring Batch 3.0.6.RELEASE, Spring Boot 1.3.1.RELEASE and Spring Integration 4.2.4.RELEASE.

Spring Data release train Gosling SR2 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | December 18, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team I'd like to announce the availability of the second service release of the Spring Data Gosling release train. The release ships 45 issues fixed and contains an important bugfix for an issue in Spring Data JPA's method metadata detection. Thus it's a recommended upgrade for all Gosling users and also users of previous release trains.

The release is be included in the just released Spring Boot 1.3.1 release which should make the upgrade a non-issue. If you're using the BOM, make sure you upgrade to Gosling-SR2A (note the trailing A). A tiny glitch during the…

Spring IO Platform 1.1.5.RELEASE

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | December 18, 2015 | ...

Spring IO Platform 1.1.5.RELEASE is now available from both repo.spring.io and Maven Central.

This maintenance release upgrades the versions of a number of the projects in the Platform to pick up their latest maintenance releases:

  • Spring Batch 3.0.6.RELEASE
  • Spring Boot 1.2.8.RELEASE
  • Spring Framework 4.1.9.RELEASE
  • Spring Integration 4.1.8.RELEASE
  • Spring Security 3.2.9.RELEASE
  • Spring Security OAuth 2.0.8.RELEASE
  • Spring Social 1.1.4.RELEASE
  • Spring Social Facebook 2.0.3.RELEASE
  • Spring Web Services 2.2.3.RELEASE

The versions of many third-party dependencies have also been updated.

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