Spring Security 4.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | December 11, 2014 | ...

We are please to announce the release of Spring Security 4.0.0.RC1. This release resolved 40 tickets. You can find a highlight of the changes below.

  • Updated Defaults - As security evolves, so does Spring Security. We took this opportunity to ensure that the defaults were more secure. For example, the XML Namespace support now enables CSRF protection by default.
  • Polish WebSocket Security - We received very valuable feedback from the community which allowed us to polish the WebSocket security. We also added XML Namespace configuration support for WebSocket security. Details can be found on the update blog Preview Spring Security WebSocket Support
  • Minimum Dependency Versions - The minimum dependency…

Webinar Replay: Using Reactor for Asynch/non-blocking Microservices

News | Pieter Humphrey | December 11, 2014 | ...

Speaker: Stephane Maldini


What is the role of asynchronous, non-blocking style-communication in microservices? Join Stephane Maldini for a revealing look at why reactive components are so important in an eventually-consistent approach like microservice architecture. When services own their data and are completely independent, having a (reactive) abstraction layer can perform a variety of roles. Being able to parallelize resources a microservice owns is an important technique. Another might be as an event bus, pulling state data from various micro services dynamically, checking against the cached, fairly up-to-date local copy. While a microservice has “all” the data it needs from other services to respond to a request, this data is not necessarily up-to-date—an important constraint to be prepared to accept. Stephane will also discuss other async use cases outside of microservices and how www.reactive-streams.org protocol support allows levels of portability across vendor implementations.

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This Week in Spring - December 9th, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | December 10, 2014 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! In a few short weeks we'll be in 2015! Will that be exciting? Of course. But this week's pretty exciting as well! So much good stuff this week.

Spring for Android 2.0.0.M2 released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | December 09, 2014 | ...

I am pleased to announce that Spring for Android 2.0.0.M2 is now available in the Spring milestone repository. Highlights include:

  • Support for the Android port of HttpClient 4.3 via HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory
  • Support for HttpClient 4.0 included with Android is now deprecated but will remain available through HttpComponentsAndroidClientHttpRequestFactory.
  • HTTP PATCH support in RestTemplate
  • The type conversion package from Spring Core is now available in Spring for Android Core.
  • Many improvements and fixes from Spring 3.2 are now merged into Spring for Android to bring baseline compatibility to Spring 3.2, while certain RestTemplate features from Spring 4.1 have been included to support the new HttpClient.

Spring Framework 4.1.3 released

Releases | Stéphane Nicoll | December 09, 2014 | ...

On behalf of the team I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Spring Framework 4.1.3.

Spring Framework 4.1.3 is our third maintenance release in the 4.1.x line and comes with over 50 fixes and improvements. It was initially scheduled for late December but we decided to release it early to incorporate user-suggested and user-contributed improvements right in time for the scheduled Spring Boot 1.2 release this week.

We are still planning on another release later this month (4.1.4) at which point 4.1.x will turn into a maintenance branch, with active development on 4.2 happening on…

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Develop powerful Big Data Applications easily with Spring XD

News | Pieter Humphrey | December 09, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speakers: Mark Fisher and Mark Pollack

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/develop-powerful-big-data-applications-easily-with-springxd

Big Data Track

Spring XD aims to provide a one stop shop for writing and deploying Big Data Applications. It provides a scalable, fault tolerant, distributed runtime for Data Ingestion, Analytics, and Workflow Orchestration using a single programming, configuration and extensibility model. By not requiring developers to rationalize all of this themselves across the many different solutions available today, Spring XD greatly reduces the inherent complexity of Big Data development. It's all built on proven projects like Spring Integration, and Spring Batch. You'll see for yourself how this heritage combines to provide a scalable runtime environment, that is easily configured and assembled via a simple DSL.

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/mcJXjxZ3f9k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Spring XD for Real-time Hadoop Workload Analysis

News | Pieter Humphrey | December 09, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speakers: Vineet Goel, Girish Lingappa, Rodrigo Meneses

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-one2gx-2014springxdhadoopworkloadanalysis

Big Data Track

As Hadoop goes mainstream in enterprise big data deployments, IT organizations expect and demand enhanced operational management of their Hadoop clusters in production. Admins require more than just cluster health monitoring; they need the ability to do real time workload analysis for performance tuning and troubleshooting. Real-time log analysis of jobs at a user or application level can allow admins to manage and tune workloads better, especially in multi-tenancy Hadoop cluster services. Join us to learn how Pivotal team leveraged Spring XD data ingestion and batch processing framework, GemFire XD & other components to solve this interesting challenge on a large 1000-node (Analytics Workbench) cluster. Using Spring XD to ingest YARN service and MapReduce application logs through a real-time data pipeline into HDFS, the team leveraged familiar SQL-based queries to analyze fine-grained cluster utilization.

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cBcznXjL840" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Implementing the Lambda Architecture with Spring XD

News | Pieter Humphrey | December 09, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speaker: Carlos Queiroz

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-one2gx-2014carlosqueiroz

Big Data Track

The lambda architecture has been proposed as a general purpose data system that aims to solve the problem of computing arbitrary functions on an arbitrary dataset in (near) real-time. In this talk we introduce the lambda architecture and show how it can be implemented with SpringXD, GemFireXD and Hadoop (HDFS and MapReduce) as the foundation of the architecture implementation. To validate the architecture we introduce a CDR (Call Detail Record) mining application as use case of the lambda architecture. We finalise by showing a demo of the CDR (Call Detail Record) mining application.

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/tjwW9oWkH0Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

SpringOne2GX 2014 Replay: Spring XD - A Guided Tour

News | Pieter Humphrey | December 09, 2014 | ...

Spring XD - A Guided Tour

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014.

Speakers: Patrick Peralta, David Turanski

Big Data Track

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/SpringCentral/spring-xd-guided-tour

What happens when a Stream is deployed to a Spring XD cluster? How does Stream processing and data partitioning work? How does the cluster recover when a Spring XD container goes down? How does Spring XD create and manage application contexts? What is a Plugin? How does Spring XD support extensibility? Our experienced guides will take you on a tour of the Spring XD runtime environment, navigating Streams and observing how Modules thrive in their natural habitat. We will explore the role of ZooKeeper, Spring Integration, and Spring Boot through beautiful panoramas, code samples, and daring demonstrations.

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lteee9N816k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

Latest Jackson integration improvements in Spring

Engineering | Sébastien Deleuze | December 02, 2014 | ...

Updated on 2015/08/31 with an additional Jackson modules section

Spring Jackson support has been improved lately to be more flexible and powerful. This blog post gives you an update about the most useful Jackson related features available in Spring Framework 4.x and Spring Boot. All the code samples are coming from this spring-jackson-demo sample application, feel free to have a look at the code.

JSON Views

It can sometimes be useful to filter contextually objects serialized to the HTTP response body. In order to provide such capabilities, Spring MVC now has builtin support for Jackson’s Serialization Views (as of Spring Framework 4.2, JSON Views are supported on @MessageMapping

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