This Week in Spring - July 1st, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | July 02, 2014 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's already July, and Summer is here! Can you believe it? Time sure flies. We've got a lot to cover this week, as usual, so let's get to it.

  1. Last week, we announced the Spring IO platform. I won the lottery on this one, and they let me write the blog, but this effort reflects more than a year of internal discussion, planning, hard work, cooperation and coordination between all the Spring projects. I did my level-headed best to introduce the Spring IO platform in this blog. You should read it. If it doesn't sound awesome and very, very useful, than I've simply done a poor job explaining it! :D Don't hesitate to reach out. The Spring IO platform is a radically simpler way of dealing with dependencies across all the Spring…

Spring Data Dijkstra SR1 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | June 30, 2014 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team I am pleased to announce the availability of the first service release of the Dijkstra release train. It includes 59 fixes overall for the following modules:

Spring Boot 1.1.3 Available Now

Releases | Dave Syer | June 27, 2014 | ...

Spring Boot 1.1.3 is available now in Maven Central. This was primarily a bugfix release for Windows users needing the executable JAR features of Spring Boot, but several other issues were resolved, and there are plenty of documentation and third-party version updates too.

Thanks again to all the people who contributed (84 committers now and rising)!

Introducing the Spring IO Platform

Engineering | Josh Long | June 26, 2014 | ...

We're pleased to announce the release of Spring IO 1.0!

Spring IO is first and foremost a logical description of what many of users will already know and use as a single, cohesive, harmonized platform, centered around Spring.

Big Things Come in Small (Java) Packages

The Spring IO platform includes Foundation Layer modules and Execution Layer domain-specific runtimes (DSRs). The Foundation Layer represents the core Spring modules and associated third-party dependencies that have been harmonized to ensure a smooth development experience. The DSRs provided by the Spring IO Execution Layer…

Spring IO Platform 1.0.0 Released

Releases | Josh Long | June 26, 2014 | ...

We're pleased to announce the release of Spring IO Platform 1.0.0 RELEASE, and represents some amazing engineering work. The highlights of this release are:

  • A Bill-of-Materials release (a Maven BOM dependency) that level sets the versions for you.
  • Spring IO represents curated and harmonized dependencies that just work together - tests cover all the Spring projects and lots of popular 3rd party open source
  • One platform, many workloads - build web (HTML-, websocket-, and REST-powered web apps), mobile, integration, batch, reactive or big data applications, or just great APIs
  • Radically simplified development experience with Spring Boot
  • Production-ready features provided out of the box (monitoring, metrics, etc)

SpringOne2GX 2013 Replay: Distributed rules engines and CEP

News | Pieter Humphrey | June 24, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2013 in Santa Clara, CA

Speaker: John T. Davies, CTO of C24

We've had powerful Rules Engines and Complex Event Processing for a good decade now and there are several powerful ones on the market, some even open source. Many of these engines though have been build around single albeit efficient applications running on a single machine. As we take Big Data head on we start to see the need to rules that we can distribute and complex events processing across our distributed system. Combining Pivotal's GemFire and C24's Integration Objects, naturally glued together with a little Spring, we can process millions of complex events in seconds. John will walk through some of the design and use-cases of these powerful system.

Learn more about Pivotal Gemfire at:

Learn more about Spring Framework:

Learn more about C24:

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This Week in Spring - June 24, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | June 24, 2014 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring - this week I'm working with the amazing Vaadin team on building some ridiculously fun applications. Be ready for more on that soon! Also, the SpringOne2GX 2014 early bird has been extended to June 30th, so register now! Without further ado, onward:

SpringOne2GX 2013 Replay: Real Time Event Processing and Decision Making

News | Pieter Humphrey | June 24, 2014 | ...

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2013 in Santa Clara, CA

Speaker: Lyndon Adams

As Information Technology evolves and improves, the demands of industry and the internet continue to challenge its capabilities. Today's 'Internet of Things', with millions of devices reporting their status on the network every second, produces massive streams of events. Getting the information in these events consumed and correlated so that it can be used to make routing and processing decisions on related events is particularly challenging. As the data demands of these processes increases, traditional client-server architectures begin to fail. Combining event processing with patterns and knowledge gleamed from Big Data models enables whole new kinds of real-time applications. Spring Integration and other Spring projects play a big role in this new paradigm, adding developer productivity and ease of integration into the mix. Lyndon will discuss and demonstrate the architectural decisions and use cases that occur when Fast Data meets Big Data.

Learn more about Pivotal Gemfire at:

Learn more about Spring Framework:

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Spring Boot 1.1.2.RELEASE Available Now

Releases | Phil Webb | June 24, 2014 | ...

The second maintenance release for Spring Boot 1.1 has been released and is available now from and maven central.

This release fixes a number of issues and also offers some performance improvements when running "executable JARs". For a complete list of changes see the issue tracker.

(Windows users may want to use the Spring Boot 1.1.3.RELEASE as it fixes some Windows specific issues.)

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

Webinar Replay: Spring Integration done Booti-fully

News | Pieter Humphrey | June 23, 2014 | ...

Speaker: Glenn Renfro

With the increase in the number of devices that emit information it has become ever more important to be able to retrieve this data and process accordingly. In response to this need, MQTT has become the defacto lightweight transport for connecting an "Internet of things". With that being said, how do your applications support for eventing, messaging, and scheduling? Utilizing Spring Boot and Spring Integration you will see how to create an application with a scheduler that will retrieve data from a web service, cleanse and emit the data via MQTT. Then you'll see how to create an application, also written using Spring Boot and Spring Integration, that will capture the MQTT events and record the results. From this discussion you can see how to use these tools and take advantage of them for your own big data projects as soon as you return to the office.

Learn more about Spring Integration at

Learn more about Spring Boot at

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