Spring Web Flow 2.2.0 Released

News | Rossen Stoyanchev | October 12, 2010 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the availability of Spring Web Flow 2.2:

  • JSF 2 support
  • Spring Travel sample application built on JSF 2 and PrimeFaces components
  • Facelets tag library for Spring Security
  • dojo 1.5 and dojox
  • Two spring-js artifacts (spring-js and spring-js-resources)
  • Portlet 2.0 and JSF 1.2 support

Please check out the updated documentation and samples for details.

Download | What's New | Changelog

VMware vFabric GemFire 6.5: modern data management for modern applications

Engineering | Adam Fitzgerald | October 12, 2010 | ...

Just some of the properties of new, modern applications are that they tend to be highly interactive, data rich, include business processes, and are available over the web from PCs and mobile devices. Powering these applications are platforms that leverage virtualized infrastructure, provide just the right amount of functionality and can scale easily as demand shifts.

VMware’s vFabric Cloud Application Platform is just such a platform designed to run Spring applications most efficiently and deliver the modern application experience. An essential component of this platform is vFabric GemFire. vFabric GemFire in-memory distributed data management brings data to applications with low latency, high reliability and linear, dynamic scalability. We are pleased to announce vFabric GemFire version 6.5

Gemini Web Release Candidate

Engineering | Glyn Normington | October 04, 2010 | ...

The first release candidate of the Gemini Web project is available for download. See the bug list for what's changed since milestone 4. Thanks to Violeta Georgieva of SAP for her continued contributions.

The project is due for an Eclipse review on 20 October so that it can graduate from incubation and ship a 1.1.0 release by the end of October. The Virgo project, which depends on Gemini Web, should also graduate and ship its 2.1.0 release concurrently with Gemini Web.

New Spring Integration Samples

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | September 29, 2010 | ...

Based on your overwhelming requests for more Spring Integration samples and more usable structure we are pleased to make the following announcement:

Starting with the current release of Spring Integration the samples will no longer be included with Spring Integration distribution. Instead we've switched to a much simpler collaborative model that should promote better community participation and community contributions. Samples now have a dedicated Git SCM repository and a dedicated JIRA Issue Tracking system. Sample development will also have its own lifecycle which is not dependent on the…

Spring ActionScript 1.0 is Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | September 24, 2010 | ...

Dear community,

We're pleased to announce that Spring ActionScript 1.0 is now available.

Download | API Documentation | HTML Docs | Changelog

Spring ActionScript is an offshoot of the Java Spring Framework written in ActionScript 3.0. The framework contains the following core features:

  • Inversion of Control container, configurable with XML or MXML
  • EventBus supporting loose communication between application components
  • Metadata/annotation processing used for autowiring, event handling, ...
  • Operation, Command and Task API
  • Utilities for abstracting server communication
  • Support for Modules
  • Extensions for the Cairngorm and PureMVC frameworks

The Spring Actionscript team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time to report bugs, give suggestions and help out in any other kind of way. Without the dedicated Spring community behind us, the framework would not be where it is today. Thank all of you!

As always, we're on the look out for new members to join the team. If…

Spring Web Flow 2.2.0.RC1 is available

Releases | Rossen Stoyanchev | September 23, 2010 | ...

Building on the JSF 2 support in M1 this release features:

  • JSF 2 Spring Travel sample built with PrimeFaces components.
  • A Facelets tag library for the popular Spring Security framework including an <authorize> tag and several EL functions.
  • A working Portlet 2.0 and JSF 1.2 sample that builds on Web Flow's own Portlet support (i.e. without any Portlet Bridge for JSF dependencies).
  • Spring JavaScript jar split into two artifacts: one for Java and one for non-Java resources (css, .js).
  • Upgarde to dojo 1.5 and inclusion of dojox in the bundled custom build.

Full Changelog | Download

Note that documentation is not yet updated. Please use the sample code provided with the distribution and the comments in the appropriate JIRA tickets.

Mixing RabbitMQ with Spring Python

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | September 20, 2010 | ...

RabbitMQ is a powerful messaging broker based on the Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP). In an earlier post, we looked into building a Python stock ticker program. We compared using RabbitMQ's pika with py-amqplib, and how it was easy to transition from one to the other with minimal changes.

In this article, we'll show how pika can easily be used by Spring Python. Spring Python is an implementation of the concepts of Spring with the language of Python. It includes many features such as dependency injection. If we choose to build a Spring-like application in Python, it is easy to utilize…

SpringSource dm Server 2.0.3 Released

Engineering | Glyn Normington | September 09, 2010 | ...

SpringSource dm Server 2.0.3 is available for download. This purpose of this release is to fix a severe problem on Windows when the root logging level is configured to "debug". This bug was reported and fixed in Virgo and then backported for existing customers since Virgo has not yet shipped its baseline release (planned for 4Q10).

Announcing GORM for Redis

Engineering | Graeme Rocher | September 07, 2010 | ...

One of the major movements inspired by the rise of the cloud platform is the growing interest in alternative storage techniques to traditional relational databases. One such storage mechanism is Redis, a high performance key/value store that is playing an important part in future cloud infrastructure.

There has been a lot of interest in Redis within the Grails community and hot on the heels of the Redis 2.0.0 release we are pleased to announce the availability of GORM for Redis Milestone 1.

What is GORM for Redis? Quite simply it allows Grails developers used to the convenience of features such as dynamic finders, criteria and named queries to take advantage of Redis…

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