This will be a series of 3 blogs describing a step-by-step approach to building and deploying GWT applications in the
SpringSource dm Server™. The focus of the blogs will be as follows:
- Building and deploying the GWT StockWatcher sample app as a WAR file in dm Server, using the SpringSource Tool Suite to build it from scratch.
- Deploying with a "Shared Libraries" approach: How to remove the GWT dependencies from the WAR and deploy them as an OSGi bundle in dm Server.
- Deploying with a "Shared Services" approach: We convert the single WAR file into OSGi services which can be shared by other applications and hot-swapped out.
It is worth noting that I am not using the
Spring Framework anywhere in these first two blogs. Integration between Spring and GWT is a subject in itself and I want to try to keep each blog as focused as possible. In the third blog, I will show how to use Spring to publish and consume OSGi services and how this can be integrated with GWT.
The blog will take a practical step-by-step approach to building the GWT StockWatcher sample described
here. The Google tutorial takes you through the steps required to build a GWT sample from scratch using RPC. I will be referring to pages in the tutorial as we go through and discussing the advantages/disadvantages to various approaches.
The blog assumes that you have an install of SpringSource Tool Suite 1.1.1 (I'm using the Eclipse 3.4 version), dm Server 1.0.0 and GWT 1.5. It also assumes that you have a good understanding of Java programming and a basic understanding of Javascript and Ajax.
For the purposes of the paths used in the demo, I created a new Eclipse workspace at /Users/bcorrie/gwt/workspace. I have included zipped up projects you can download below, which contain a GWT_ROOT_INSTALL variable I have defined. To use my projects, when you import them navigate to "Preferences" -> "Java" -> "Build Path" -> "Classpath Variables" and define your own GWT_ROOT_INSTALL…