NY Java SIG Overflows

Engineering | Neelan Choksi | March 28, 2007 | ...

Every so often I get to experience something pretty amazing about the popularity of Spring, Interface21, and our people.

Last night was one of those such moments. Rod spoke at the NY Java SIG in Manhattan. Long time NY Java SIG coordinator Frank Greco sent out an email announcing the Java SIG late on a Sunday night about two weeks ago. By Monday morning at around 9am the event had hit a maximum number of registrations of 300 (the conference room at Google gets trouble from the fire codes when they exceed 260). Effectively the Java SIG had sold out in about a business hour. I think with…

Why Open Source Businesses are not like Wal-Mart

Engineering | Rod Johnson | March 21, 2007 | ...

Hopefully one or more open source businesses will be among the standout successes of early 21st century capitalism. However, it's interesting to look back at one of the standout successes of late 20th century capitalism for an instructive example of one of the unusual challenges facing open source businesses.

Wal-Mart's history is well known. The first Wal-Mart opened in Rogers, Arkansas in 1962. Five years later there were 24 stores across Arkansas. In 1968, Wal-Mart opened its first stores outside Arkansas, in Missouri and Oklahoma. Both those states, of course, neighbour Arkansas. Wal-Mart…

CarPlant not accepting null CarModels

Engineering | Alef Arendsen | March 12, 2007 | ...

Last Friday I finished a training session at a client of ours. Because I had some time to kill in the hotel I was staying in, I polished the sample application I coded up during the training to post it online for the guys of the training. Usually I try to find a little sample application specific to the client's domain to use during the training. This makes it a bit more lively instead of some of the HelloWorld examples.

This client is a big car brand, that have adopted Spring widely throughout their organization. That's why I created a CarPlant system capable of producing cars. Below you can…

New on the Spring forum: regular polls

Engineering | Alef Arendsen | March 10, 2007 | ...

A while ago, we were thinking about doing a big survey among Spring users to render feedback about parts of the framework. We'd include questions like 'which Java version are you using', but also ask you which Spring feature you like, dislike, et cetera.

Partially because of lack fo this, but also because for now, we don't want to force Spring users to fill out huge surveys, we never got to actually doing this.

In the past half hour, I've set up a nice alternative on the Spring Framework forum. From now on, we'll be hosting a series of polls on the forum. The polls are basically very simple…

Spring Framework 1.2.9 Released

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | March 09, 2007 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that Spring 1.2.9 has finally been released. Download | Docs | Changelog.

This is a bugfix and refinement release for people still using the 1.2 series, and is intended as a drop-in update for Spring 1.2.8. It contains fixes for all problems reported since 1.2.8, and includes various backports from the Spring 2.0 branch.

Note that this is the last planned release in the Spring 1.2 branch. Patch releases for 1.2.9 will only be provided in case of critical issues. We recommend to upgrade to Spring 2.0 for long-term usage.

Juergen Hoeller

Spring Framework 2.0.3 Released

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | March 09, 2007 | ...

Dear Spring community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring 2.0.3 has been released.

Spring 2.0 Released


This is a bugfix and enhancement release in the Spring 2.0 series, including about 200 (!) refinements and fixes. Furthermore, this release introduces support for the JSR-166 (java.util.concurrent) backport project and basic support for JCA 1.5 (ResourceAdapter bootstrap, WorkManager support), as well as extended support for IBM WebSphere and Oracle OC4J.

Among the noteworthy enhancements are DefaultMessageListenerContainer's dynamic scaling capability and the thoroughly revised scripting integration, supporting more styles of writing Groovy and BeanShell scripts and providing seamless interaction with Spring's AOP facilities. This release also includes refinements in the AspectJ pointcut support as well as in the scoped-proxy facility.

See the changelog for details!

Juergen Hoeller
Interface21 - http://www.interface21.com

Maven Artifacts

Engineering | Ben Hale | March 08, 2007 | ...

At long last I can finally say that SPR-1484 is resolved. Opened on 20 November 2005 with 121 votes, 63 watchers, and even its own anti-ticket this issue rates as one of the all time biggies. In the last 10 minutes I've uploaded the maven artifacts for Spring 1.2.9 to our local repo and you should be seeing them replicated onto the central maven repo in the next 6 hours or so.

You will notice on the Spring JIRA issues such as SPR-2704, SPR-1383, and SPR-3198. What this means is that we're not done improving our builds and and we will continue to respond to the community. In fact, we've got…

Oracle Contributing Oracle Application Server Integration Code to Spring Framework

Engineering | Rod Johnson | February 27, 2007 | ...

On the theme of application servers embracing Spring, another update. Oracle have been working on value added integration with their application server.

This is similar to what we have with WebLogic 8.1 and above in WebLogicJtaTransactionManager. The OC4JJtaTransactionManager should be used in place of the generic JtaTransactionManager in an OC4J environment, and provides the following benefits:

  • Direct access to the transaction manager and helper classes without having to use JNDI lookups
  • Auto-detection of server version to get the most out of the different transaction manager implementations in different versions
  • Control over transaction isolation level: a very useful feature not available in JTA

For those familiar with JTA, using the UserTransaction, as you do when controlling transactions programmatically in Java EE, has some significant gaps, perhaps understandable given the now obsolete…

Sun's GlassFish Embracing Spring

Engineering | Rod Johnson | February 16, 2007 | ...

Sun take open source seriously these days, and users seem to be starting to take Sun open source seriously too.

GlassFish was late to the party in open source application servers, but it seems to be gaining traction. And, more importantly, it actually seems to be pretty good. Various Interface21ers, including Costin and Juergen, have taken a look at GlassFish and given it the thumbs up (although we haven't yet worked with it in production). From what I've heard, performance is excellent--probably substantially due to the reworked servlet engine based on NIO. The JPA implementation--TopLink…

WebLogic 10 Tech Preview Ships - Builds on Spring Framework

Engineering | Rod Johnson | February 11, 2007 | ...

Congratulations to the WebLogic team on shipping a preview of WebLogic 10, which passes the Java EE 5 CTS. It's good to see BEA getting back to their tradition of being quick off the mark, after their aberration with J2EE 1.4.

This is interesting news for the Spring community, because WebLogic 10 uses Pitchfork internally. The Pitchfork Project is an open source project led by Interface21 and collaboratively developed with BEA that implements EJB 3.0 interception and JSR-250 injection on top of Spring. It is used inside the WebLogic 10 EJB container and in other parts of the server to meet new…

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