Spring IDE 1.2 released
Dear Spring Community,
We are pleased to announce that Spring IDE v1.2 has been released.
Version 1.2 is a port to Eclipse 3 with a bunch of bugfixes. For a complete list of bugfixes included
visit http://springide.org/project/milestone/Release%201.2
- Ported to Eclipse 3.0
- Added support for Eclipse 3.1M7
- Updated to Spring v1.2
- Refactored generic stuff (e.g. model, project nature + action, incremental project builder, ...) into separate plugins (org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core and org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ui)
- add change notification and visitor support to generic model
- beans model now extends generic model defined in new plugin org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core
- all jars moved from org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core to new plugin org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core
More details are available from the project's site http://springide.org/
This release is available from the project's Eclipse update site:
Bug reports tickets can be opened via