This Week in Spring - November 5, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | November 05, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I'm in Malmo, Sweden at the fantastic Øredev conference, talking to developers about Spring, Cloud Foundry, and more! I'll be at JMaghreb next week and then at Devoxx 2013 where I'll be talking to developers about Spring, Cloud Foundry, RabbitMQ and more along with my pals Dr. Dave Syer, Alvaro Videla, and Andy Piper. Looking forward to seeing you at any of these places! Ping me on Twitter (@starbuxman) if you want to talk Spring, the cloud, big data and anyting else!

With that, we've got a lot of really great stuff this week so let's get to it!

  1. First, the big news: Spring Framework 4.0 RC1 has been released! The new release includes full compatability with OpenJDK 8 developer previews, Groovy configured beans, improvements to Spring MVC, smarter proxies, time zone resolution (connected to JSR 310 and Joda-Time), Spring HATEOAS-inspired link-building, improved websocket support, and a lot more! Get the bits, test your apps, and be sure to let us know how you like it!
  2. Spring Security lead Rob Winch is at it again, this time with a Spring Security 3.2.0 RC2 release which includes resolutions for 80+ issues, and a slew of upates - some breaking, so to be sure to update and verify everything.
  3. Additionally, Rob's just released Spring LDAP 2.0.0.M1, which adds a lot of new functionality including Spring Data repository and QueryDSL support, a fluent LDAP query builder, a custom XML namespace for LDAP, Java 5 featues, and some restructuring
  4. P.S.: If you happen to be in the London area or with easy access to it, check out the Spring eXchange: a packed two-day show on Nov 14/15, with key Spring engineers presenting the latest and greatest - of course including Spring Framework 4.0!
  5. I gave a talk at JavaOne called the Spring Update that looks at a lot of the cool new things coming out of the Spring division at Pivotal. The talk is now online at so check it out!
  6. Paul Chapman's put together a very good post explaining error handling strategies in Spring MVC
  7. Daniel Lipp and Tobias Mattsson, from Magnolia, did a nice webinar introducing how to integrate the Magnolia CMS with Spring and Grails based applications. Cool stuff!
  8. Greg Turnquist continues the narrative on Spring Boot and talks about how to add property support to a custom Spring Boot module.
  9. Blogger Hébert Oliveira has put together an epic post on using Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Security, Bootstrap, and Angular.js together. Definitely worth a look!
  10. I'm excited to see Thymeleaf 2.1 support for automatic Spring Security CSRF integration. Nice job!
  11. Spring's documentation is now moving to Asciidoc! This is interesting mostly because it'll be easier to update and maintain the documentation now, and you can expect even better docs as a result!
  12. Spring Boot tip thanks to Dr. Dave Syer: any bean of type TomcatConnectorCustomizer in a Spring Boot application will give you a callback reference to the Connector which you can then use to customize the embedded Tomcat instance. One possible application of this is applying SSL to the embedded Tomcat instance.
  13. Speaking of Spring Boot, check out this Spring Boot Java app, a "full-featured" reference app that runs on @CloudFoundry that's designed to monitor builds. Nice job, Ben Hale!

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