This Week in Spring - October 9th, 2018
Hi Spring fans! This week I'm in sunny San Francisco for the epic SpringOne Tour San Francisco event. I'm also heads down preparing for the rush of travel ahead of me. Starting on the 14th, I'll start four weeks of travel, bringing the message far-and-wide to Toronto, St. Petersburg, Brussels, San Francisco, Hartford, Paris, Beijing, Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong, and.. I forget.. but there's more! I'm so looking forward to seeing you all at each and everyone of those places!
I also loved this tweet from Pivotal today for me:
Josh we're working on putting a Spring signal on the roof.
— Pivotal (@pivotal) October 9, 2018
Anyway, there's SO MUCH to cover so let's get to it!
- Spring Cloud Open Service Broker 3.0.0.M1 released
- Spring Cloud Open Service Broker 2.1.0.M1 released
- This is pretty cool! we're excited to announce, along with Heroku and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, that the Cloud Natives Buildpacks technology was accepted int he CNCF!
- Hola mundo! Read Spanish? Know someone who does? You might appreciate this curated list of interesting reading, en Español!
- Happy Ada Lovelace day! As you know, we name each Spring Data release train after a prominent computer scientist. This one is named for Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician and writer, she was chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Once you're done reading more into this hero and this self described "poetical scientist", you might also read up on the new features our current Spring Data Lovelace release train…