Hi Spring fans! In this tip, we'll look at Cloud Foundry, a an open-source cloud platform that's optimized for managing applications. To those of you in the US, happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm.. home! It's Thanksgiving this week here in the states, after all. I am sure that I speak for the entire Pivotal team when I say that we are grateful for you, the most wonderful community on the planet. Thanks so much, and if you're celebrating Thanksgiving, then happy Thanksgiving to you! When you're finished with your meal - barely able to keep an eye open - I hope you'll find a comfy arm chair and take in some of the content in this week's roundup.
the good Dr. David Syer doesn't always do view templating, but when he does..
NOTE: If you are reading this in December 2023 or later, there was a 1.16 release of JMustache that added "inheritance" support. This is an optional Mustache spec feature but was previously unimplemented in JMustache. It allows you to do the "layout with included body" type templating that is very common in web apps, and needed in the sample for this article. The sample has been updated in Github to use inheritance instead of the workaround with lambdas presented below.
I don’t do much server-side templating, but when I do… well frankly, I tend to forget things. Every template language has its strengths and weaknesses, and they all have syntax to remember, and more frequently to forget. Recently I completed some work on the old Spring Petclinic, converting it to use Thymeleaf in the view layer, and re-organizing the code to be a bit more "modern". I enjoyed working with Thymeleaf 3, and found…
This post is a guest post by community member Matti Tahvonen (@MattiTahvonen), who works as a developer advocate in Vaadin Ltd, the company that originally developed Vaadin Framework and provides commercial services and extensions for it.
The first stable release of the official Spring integration library for Vaadin was released a bit over a year ago. The feedback has been great and many Spring developers, who have wanted to stay on the safe “backend side”, have discovered a new way to use their existing Java skills to build good-looking web UIs. Using Vaadin Spring, your UI code lives in…
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Time sure is flying! We've got so much to get into this week. Can you believe we're staring down 2017? We've got so much to cover so let's get to it!
More SpringOne Platform 2016 talks are available, and if you're interested in how Spring and reactive programming are coming together you'll want to hear directly from Rossen about where the team is starting it's journey!
On behalf of the Spring and Apache Geode communities, I am extremely pleased and excited to announce the release of Spring Data for Apache Geode 1.0.0-incubating.
You can get the bits from Maven Central by including the following dependency in either your application Maven POM or Gradle build file...
Including the spring-data-geode dependency will transitively pull in all required Apache Geode artifacts so you can start building Spring applications that use Apache Geode…
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in London, England for µCon, Antwerp, Belgium for Devoxx, and Malmö, Sweden for Oredev. If you're around, ping me and say hi.
Getting started with Spring Cloud can be daunting. If you have seen the great Josh Long give his Cloud Native Java presentation, you will notice that you need to create several supporting applications before you can see your application at work.
Spring Cloud CLI Launcher
As part of the transition from Spring XD to Spring Cloud Dataflow, one of the extracted projects is called the Spring Cloud Deployer. The Deployer allows for launching applications on various platforms, including launching on a developer machine.
We wanted to simplify users' ability to experiment with Spring Cloud, so the spring cloud command…