This Week in Spring - May 24th, 2016
Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring! This week's already off to a crazy start. Sunday evening I returned from Kiev, Ukraine, where I spoke at JEEConf. Yesterday, Monday, I gave a talk with my friend Baruch from JFrog at yesterday's JFrog Swampup conference event in Napa, California. Today I'm off to Denver, Colorado for Gluecon, and then off to GOTO Chicago in Chicago, Illinois and I'll finish out the week in Washington DC for customer visits. I can't wait to see you all along the way!
- I hope you'll register for this upcoming webinar on distributed tracing with the Spring Cloud team's very own Adrian Cole and Marcin Grzejszczak
- Wow! Spring Roo 2.0M2 is packed with lots of cool looking features supporting Spring Boot and removing the older ActiveRecord-style support in favor of proper Spring Data repositories
- I really liked Stormpath founder and CTO Les Hazlewood's post on how they moved their entire backend API to Spring Boot in a matter of three weeks while embracing Spring Boot's autoconfiguration to solve a few problems of their own, like a Samza auto-configuration.
- the Udemy Spring Cloud workshop online looks pretty cool…