This Week in Spring - August 18, 2015
Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it! This week I'm back in São Paulo, Brazil, to visit customers, then it's off to Rio for QCon Rio! If you're in either city, message me on Twitter and let's grab a coffee!
- Today, Pivotal CEO Paul Maritz stepped down [and welcomed Pivotal Labs founder Rob Mee as the new CEO. There's a post by Paul and by Rob. Thank you, Paul, and welcome Rob!
- the amazing Scott Frederick just announced the general availability of Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2.0! - check this out!
- Spring ninja Stéphane Nicoll just announced Spring Boot 1.3M4, with fixes and improvements aplenty!
- Spring Integration lead Gary Russell just announced a CRAZY packed new Spring Integration 4.2 release including, but not limited to, support for security Context Propagation, STOMP client channel adapters, metrics, new Spring Framework 4.2 event channel adapters, a process barrier component, last modified file list filters, codec, JMS shared subscriptions, (S)FTP improvements, SOAP Action Propagation, …