I am getting frustrated by the number of people calling any HTTP-based interface a REST API. Today’s example is the SocialSite REST API. That is RPC. It screams RPC….What needs to be done to make the REST architectural style clear on the notion that hypertext is a constraint? In other words, if the engine of application state (and hence the API) is not being driven by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and cannot be a REST API. Period. Is there some broken manual somewhere that needs to be fixed?
So, what exactly ARE hypermedia controls, i.e. hypertext, and how can you use them? To find out, let’s take a step back and look at the core mission of REST.
The concept of REST was to borrow ideas that made the web so successful and apply them to APIs. Despite the web’s vast size, dynamic nature, and low rate that clients, i.e. browsers, are updated, the web is an amazing success. Roy Fielding sought to use some of its constraints and features and see if that would afford similar expansion of API production and consumption.
One of the constraints is to limit the number of verbs. For REST, the primary ones are GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH. There are others, but we won’t get into them here.
GET - fetch the state of a resource without altering the system
POST - create a new resource without saying where
PUT - replace an existing resource, overwriting whatever else is already there (if anything)
DELETE - remove an existing resource
PATCH - alter an existing resource partially
These are standardized HTTP verbs with well written specs. By picking up and using already coined HTTP operations, we don’t have to invent a new language and educate the industry.
Another constraint of REST is to use media types to define the format of data. Instead of everyone writing their own dialect for the exchange of information, it would be prudent to develop some media types. One of the most popular ones to be accepted is HAL, media type application/hal+json. It is Spring Data REST’s default media type. A keen value is that there is no centralized, single media type for REST. Instead, people can develop media types and plug them in. Try them out. As different needs become available, the industry can flexibly move.
A key feature of REST is to include links to relevant resources. For example, if you were looking at an order, a RESTful API would include a link to the related customer, links to the catalog of items, and perhaps a link to the store from which the order was placed. In this session, you will introduce paging, and see how to also use navigational paging links.