This Week in Spring - February 8th, 2022
Hi, Spring fans, and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How are you? I'm doin' well. Got a lot of exciting stuff to share with you in the near future so check this space! We've got a ton to get to this week so let's dive right in!
- A Bootiful Podcast: Former Spring Data lead and architect extraordinaire, Oliver Drotbohm
- Introduce example value object implemented as record. · xmolecules/jmolecules-examples@4e60942
- Spring Shell 2.1.0-M2 is now available
- Spring Tools 4.13.1 released
- the initial Micrometer 2.0.0 and Micrometer Tracing 1.0.0 observability is on its way to Spring Boot!
- Additions and Updates to Microsoft Build of #OpenJDK #OpenJDK
- Blog: Spotlight on SIG Multicluster
- Build 33 of Java 18 is available
- Liberica Native Image Kit and 21.3.1 builds are released…