Video: What's New in Apache Tomcat 7

News | Adam Fitzgerald | August 01, 2011 | ...

Mark Thomas discusses all the latest features that are available in Apache Tomcat 7. He talks about the specification changes (Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, Expression Language 2.2) some of the new features (JMX enhancements, performance improvements, new parallel deployment) and describes the upcoming plans for later releases. Check out the video or you can download the slides from the S2G Forum 2011 archive.

Be sure to thumbs up the presentation if you find it useful and subscribe to the SpringSourceDev channel to receive updates about all the latest presentation recordings and screencasts.

S2G Forum 2011 Presentations

News | Adam Fitzgerald | July 11, 2011 | ...

S2G Forum 2011 Keynote by Rod Johnson

Other Presentations

Spring MVC 3.1 Update - Rossen Stoyanchev:
This session will delve into more detail on Spring MVC 3.1 related updates. The major topics include a new infrastructure for processing annotated controller methods, namespace configuration improvements, conversation management, and Servlet 3.0 support.
Spring Integration Update - Josh Long
This session provides a guided tour of the new features of Spring Integration 2.0 including the new Spring Integration ROO add-on. Along the way, you will learn about Spring Integration's support for Spring Framework 3.0 features such as the Spring Expression Language, ConversionService, and RestTemplate. You will also learn about several new adapters including AMQP, XMPP, TCP/UDP, JDBC, JMX, and more.
Tuning Java for Virtual Environments - Ben Corrie
This practical session looks in detail at how to get the best performance out of the JVM when running virtual, with particular focus on memory management. While the session will spend some time looking at the existing best practice and the technical reasons behind that, it will also present the most up-to-date data and recommendations along with a forward-looking perspective of the work SpringSource is doing to enhance Java on virtual.
Cloud Foundry for Spring Developers - Josh Long
Cloud Foundry, the new open source Platform-as-a-Service from VMware, provides a fantastic deployment platform to run Spring applications in an auto-scaling, auto-managed cloud environment. This presentation describes how to leverage cloud services, like MongoDB, Redis, and RabbitMQ, and illuminates the architectural details behind Java execution on Cloud Foundry.
Apache Tomcat 7 Update - Mark Thomas
Apache Tomcat is the mostly widely deployed application server in today's enterprise market. Developers, QA teams and IT managers all use Tomcat in a wide variety of deployments with incredible success. This session looks inside the popular Apache project to analyze the new features avaiable in Apache Tomcat 7, including asynchronous request processing, memory leak detection/prevention and security enhancements.
Spring AMQP and Rabbit Messaging - Dave Syer
The Spring AMQP project's goal is to simplify development of messaging applications based on the AMQP protocol. Spring AMQP provides portable Java and .NET API across RabbitMQ and Apache Qpid implementations as well as convenient abstractions that promote a POJO based programming model. If you are familiar with Spring's JMS support, you will feel right at home. In this session you will take a tour of Spring AMQP features such as publishing, message converters, and creating multithreaded consumers. Support for the management of the RabbitMQ server will also be covered as well as its configuration using Spring.
Caching and Scalable Data Access with Gemfire - Costin Leau
A pragmatic look on how to achieve easy gains in a Spring applications through caching. This session will analyze the usual bottlenecks found in common application stacks and ways to address them. Various caching patterns will be discussed, with focus not just on performance but also scalability, including how to get the best out of vFabric Gemfire.
Grails in the Cloud - Peter Ledbrook
This presentation will survey the various cloud runtime platforms that provide Grails support and discuss the design constraints inherent in each platform. The session will provide concreate recommendations for designing your Grails applications to get the most out of these new deployment targets.
Tuning Grails Applications - Peter Ledbrook
Grails makes it incredibly easy to get a web application up and running, but it makes no guarantees about how well that application will perform and scale. If you issue hundreds of database queries per request, your application won't be a Speedy Gonzalez. Find out how to track down and fix bottlenecks in various parts of your application, particularly database access and view rendering.

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: Developing Social-Ready Web Applications

News | Adam Fitzgerald | February 25, 2011 | ...

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: Developing Social-Ready Web Applications
More content has been posted by InfoQ covering the talks from SpringOne 2GX 2010. This time is it Spring in Action author, Craig Walls, talking about Developing Social-Ready Web Applications.

Craig covers:

  • The types of social integration possible for your Spring applications
  • How to access social data via REST
  • How to secure social data in appropriate ways to protect your users
  • The features available in the Spring Social project to support social integration within the Spring idiom.

Once again, many thanks to InfoQ for covering SpringOne 2GX 2010 and providing this outstanding presentations to the community.

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: Groovy.DSLs (from: beginner, to: expert)

News | Adam Fitzgerald | February 18, 2011 | ...

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: Groovy DSLs
InfoQ has released another talk from SpringOne 2GX 2010, this one covers Groovy.DSLs (from: beginner, to: expert). In this presentation, Groovy experts Guillaume Laforge and Paul King give a detailed introduction and practical guide to using Groovy to create your domain specific languages.

Guillaume and Paul Mark provide:

  • A myriad of DSL examples from specialized computing requirements to general business tasks
  • Characteristics to keep in mind when creating your own DSL
  • Details about Groovy's DSL advantages including flexible and malleable syntax, runtime meta-programming, regular expression pre-processing as well as being a Java based runtime
  • Pitfalls and problems to avoid with concrete examples

Many thanks to InfoQ for covering SpringOne 2GX 2010 and providing this outstanding presentations to the community.

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: Configuration Enhancements in Spring 3.1

News | Adam Fitzgerald | February 14, 2011 | ...

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: Configuration Enhancements in Spring 3.1
After last week's release of Spring 3.1, there is some great material to help you get up to speed with the new enhancements. InfoQ has published another talk from SpringOne 2GX 2010, this one covers the Configuration Enhancements in Spring 3.1. Chris Beams covers unified property management, bean definition profiles, nested elements, c: namespace, Grails BeanBuilder integration.

Also last week Juergen Hoeller gave a webinar on the Spring 3.1 milestone release. In case you can were not able to attend in person, a full recording of the webinar has now been posted so you can get all of the details from the source!

Also don't forget to read Chris's recent blog post about Bean Definition Profiles. This is the first in a short series that will be covering the details of the new release.

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: What's New in Spring Integration 2.0?

News | Adam Fitzgerald | January 21, 2011 | ...

SpringOne 2GX 2010 Tech Talk: What's new in Spring Integration 2.0
Yet another session from SpringOne 2GX 2010 has been posted by InfoQ. This time it is Mark Fisher and Oleg Zhurakousky who are presenting on What's New in Spring Integration 2.0.

Mark and Oleg use code-centric demos to describe how Spring 3.0 features have been integrated in Spring Integration, what enterprise integration patterns have been implemented and where channel adapters and gateways have been updated. They demonstrate the new STS tooling support for Spring Integration and discuss some of the future features and direction for the project.

This presentation is a great way to get introduced to Spring Integration 2.0. The GA release of 2.0 followed less than one month after this talk so all the topics covered are up to date with the current release. Again many thanks to InfoQ for covering SpringOne 2GX 2010.

Spring Web Flow 2.2.0 Released

News | Rossen Stoyanchev | October 12, 2010 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the availability of Spring Web Flow 2.2:

  • JSF 2 support
  • Spring Travel sample application built on JSF 2 and PrimeFaces components
  • Facelets tag library for Spring Security
  • dojo 1.5 and dojox
  • Two spring-js artifacts (spring-js and spring-js-resources)
  • Portlet 2.0 and JSF 1.2 support

Please check out the updated documentation and samples for details.

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