Spring Integration 4.1 Milestone 1 Available

Releases | Artem Bilan | September 05, 2014 | ...

Dear Spring community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring Integration 4.1 Milestone 1 has been released. Please use the Milestone Repository with Maven or Gradle, download a distribution archive, or see the project home page for links to the updated documentation, and Maven/Gradle configuration details.

The release includes some new features and further improvements, as well as a number of bug fixes, with the GA release due around the end of October.

Here is a summary of major changes:

Spring Framework 4.1

Spring Integration takes advantage of a number of new features in Spring…

Spring Framework 4.1 GA is here!

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | September 04, 2014 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that after an intense release candidate phase, the Spring Framework 4.1 GA release is now available!

Our 4.1 generation delivers major new features along several themes:

  • Annotated JMS listener methods
  • Comprehensive support for JCache (JSR-107) annotations
  • Flexible resolution and transformation of static web resources
  • MVC views: declarative resolution, Groovy markup templates, Jackson's JsonView
  • WebSocket refinements: WebSocket scope, SockJS client support, WebSocket stats
  • Performance: SpEL compiler mode, concurrency fine-tuning across the container

This Week in Spring - September 2nd, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | September 03, 2014 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

This is the last installment of TWiS before SpringOne2GX 2014 kicks off next week! I, personally, am very excited! I can't wait to see you all there. This is going to be so much fun. So, let's get on to it!

Spring guides make it easier to jump to core content

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | September 02, 2014 | ...

If you remember last year, we rolled out a powerful new website built top-to-bottom with Spring. It was fresh, new, and loaded with gobs of getting started guides.

Since then, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. We've had record traffic with a large portion visiting the guides. So what's new?

We recently added the ability to hide/show the build steps. Many people expressed the desire to skip project setup steps and instead jump to the core content. We listened and responded.

After reading over a guide, do you need Gradle or Maven build steps? No problem! Just click on the…

Spring Security OAuth 2.0.3 Available Now

Releases | Dave Syer | September 01, 2014 | ...

Spring Security OAuth 2.0.3 is available now in all the usual Maven repositories. It's a bug fix release, nothing major, so upgrading from 2.0.x should be painless (and is recommended). Some people were having issues getting JWT tokens to work properly, and those should be fixed. The only noteworthy functional change is that Resource Servers (if configured with @Configuration) will now check the validity of the client and scopes before allowing access to protected resources. This means that client privileges can be revoked quickly, but may also lead to a performance penalty (so caching the

Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.6.1 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | August 28, 2014 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the new release of our Eclipse-based tooling today: The Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.6.1 and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) 3.6.1.

Highlights from this release include:

  • updated to tc Server 3.0.0
  • performance improvements for building Spring projects
  • AspectJ/AJDT now support annotation processors

To download the distributions, please go visit:

Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS/GGTS 3.6.1 New & Noteworthy.

NOTE: Both tool suites ship on top of the latest Eclipse Luna 4.4 release as 64bit and 32bit based zip files only. There will be no native installers for STS/GGTS anymore.

With the 3.6.0 release we shifted towards a slightly changed release schedule, shipping minor releases more frequently. Therefore 3.6.2 is scheduled to ship…

Spring Data Dijkstra SR4 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | August 27, 2014 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team I am pleased to announce the availability of the fourth service release of the Dijkstra release train. It includes 36 fixes overall for the following modules:

This Week in Spring - August 26th, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | August 26, 2014 | ...

Holy cats! Can you believe how close we are to SpringOne2GX? Last year we made a huge splash with the announcements of Spring Boot and Spring XD, both of which have recently hit 1.0 releases. I happen to know the next level looks like, and you're going to want to see it. Register now if you haven't already!

Preview Spring Security WebSocket Support

Engineering | Rob Winch | August 21, 2014 | ...

[callout title=Updated Dec 11 2014]Although originally about Spring Security 4.0.0.M2, the blog has been updated to reflect improvements found in Spring Security 4.0 RC1.[/callout]


Previously, an application could use Spring Security to perform authentication in a WebSocket application. This worked because the Principal of an HttpServletRequest will be propagated to the WebSocket Session.

The problem is that authorization was limited to handshake. This means that once the connection was made, there was no way to provide any granularity to authorization of the WebSocket application…

Building a RESTful quotation service with Spring

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | August 21, 2014 | ...

I was recently made aware that a public API we were using for one of our guides contained objectionable material. After confirming this, I immediately responded that we would pick another source. Wishing to avoid such an issue in the future, I decided the best solution was to build our own RESTful quote service. So I decided to use the best tools to do so, the Spring stack, and was able to migrate the very next day.

Picking your tools

To kick things off, I made a check list of what I knew would be the right tools for the job of creating a RESTful web service.

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