This Week in Spring - December 3rd, 2024
Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's the first week of December and I am in the amazing city of Perth, Australia. Perth, for those of you who don't know, is amazing. And well worth the journey. But it is quite the journey! 27 hours, door-to-door, from San Francisco to Perth! Insanity.
I'm super happy to be here, though, talking to amazing folks before I begin my journey from Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney, Australia for the epic YOW! conference. It's going to be a ton of fun.
- I love this InfoQ interview with Spring Framework lead Jürgen Hoeller and Spring Framework contributor Sébastien Deleuze
- I also love this article on reactive websockets with Spring
- Extending Spring Data repositories just got easier!
- Huh. Apparently the old SpringSource repositories just got sunsetted. I had no idea we still maintained them.
- In this week's installment of A Bootiful Podcast, I talk to Dave Cramer, PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL JDBC driver contributor extraordinairre
- Spring Cloud 2023.0.4 is now available
- Spring Cloud Stream Applications is now available
- HTTP3 in Reactor! …