This Week in Spring - September 5th, 2022
Hi, Spring fans! How are you? It's a fantastic Tuesday, the 5th of September, 2022, and I couldn't be happier. It's also Labor Day weekend here in the US. It marks the unofficial end of summer, which is a bit sad. But, on the upside, it's a four-day weekend for me! I'm technically off today. So, you'll forgive me, but I won't spend too much time here. Let's dive right into this week's roundup!
- A Bootiful Podcast: Dr. Kris De Volder on Spring Tools, VS Code, and so much more
- Connect to Multiple Databases Using Spring Data Mongodb
- End-to-end tracing with OpenTelemetry
- I love this article by Hashicorp's Rosemary Wang on refreshable secrets for Kubernetes Applications with Vault Agent
- Microsoft is committed to the success of Java developers
- Price Reduction - Azure Spring Apps does more, costs less!
- The Second Best Way to Fetch a Spring Data JPA DTO Projection – Java, SQL and jOOQ.
- The best way to fetch a Spring Data JPA DTO Projection - Vlad Mihalcea
- Speaking of JOOQ, did you know there's good reactive API support included? Check it out: …