This Week in Spring - June 9th , 2020
Hi. How are you all doing? I hope you're doing well.
There's some interesting stuff this week so, without further ado...
- Spring Framework 5.2.7 and 5.1.16 available now
- Migrating Spring Boot's Build to Gradle
- A Bootiful Podcast: Kubernetes Release SIG Tim Pepper
- Just curious, how do you run your Spring Boot application? Interesting thread
- VMware: A Founding Member of GitHub's New Security Lab
- Use Spring Data JDBC with Azure SQL Database | Microsoft Docs
- RabbitMQ will be migrating to Mozilla Public License 2.0 in the upcoming month(s)
- An interesting article on virtual threads use of preemptive scheduling
- Introduction to event-driven microservices with Spring Cloud Stream – Piotr's TechBlog
- Great Twitter thread by Sergi Almar: …