Spring Data Neo4j 2.0.0.RC1 released

Releases | Michael Hunger | November 12, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

The Spring Data Team and Neo Technology have just released the Release Candidate 1 of Spring Data Neo4j, the integration library for Neo4j the Enterprise NOSQL database.

Integrating the feedback from the very successful SpringOne 2011 and our community we exended the previous Milestone release with new functionality and took care of reported issues.

If you'd like to get an Introduction to Spring Data Neo4j, watch out for our presentations/webinars.


  • Updated Neo4j to 1.5 AspectJ to 1.6.12
  • Added repository support for the new Cypher-DSL (1.5.M1) (with QueryDSL support)
  • Updated cypher syntax changes for 1.5
  • Extended result-handling-dsl to allow changes of container classes
  • Added examples for hello-worlds and cypher for both mapping options
  • @RelationshipEntity has an fallback relationship-type attribute
  • Support for (mutable) @RelatedToVia collections (like Set)
  • Relationship-Entities can now be directly instantiated and persisted
  • Introduced the concept of a MappingPolicy for the POJO mapping mode (currently @Fetch)
  • Simplified cineasts using annotated and derived queries on repositories
  • Added repository for access of relationship-related methods
  • Improved support for collection properties
  • List, Set, Collection, Page as return types on derived and annotated query methods

This is the last step before the final release of the new major version, so we're looking for even more feedback to provide an excellent GA release of Spring Data Neo4j. Please provide it in the forum or the issue tracker.

Project resources: Downloads | Reference Card | JavaDocs | Spring Data Graph Guide Book | Changelog | GitHub Repository

Using Cloud Foundry Services with Spring: Part 4 – Spring Profiles

Engineering | Scott Andrews | November 10, 2011 | ...

Spring 3.1 adds significant new support for environments. This new Environment API makes it easy to expose properties to an application or conditionally load a fragment of configuration.

In an earlier post in this series, Ramnivas showed how Cloud Foundry can automatically connect to a database without manual configuration. When you need more control over this process, e.g. connecting to multiple databases, the cloud namespace condenses the configuration of a DataSource into just a single line of XML. The cloud namespace is powerful, but it is only supported for applications running in Cloud…

Using Cloud Foundry Services with Spring: Part 3 - the <cloud> namespace

Engineering | Thomas Risberg | November 09, 2011 | ...

We saw in the previous blog post Using Cloud Foundry Services with Spring: Part 2 - Auto-reconfiguration that when you deploy a Spring application, your use of data services will be detected, and your application will automatically be re-configured to use the cloud services available to your application. This works great for simple applications and demos, but if you have a serious production application you probably want to have more control. You also need more control if you have multiple services of the same type. Ramnivas hinted at this saying that you can opt out of auto-reconfiguration by…

This Week in Spring, November 8th, 2011

Engineering | Josh Long | November 09, 2011 | ...

Another fantastic week in the Spring community. Can you guys believe it's already the 8th of November? Where does the time go?

If you blink, we'll be in 2012 already! 
No time to waste - the year might change out from underneath us! - let's dive right into this week's roundup!

  1. Ramnivas Laddad, senior engineer on the Cloud Foundry project and a hero world wide to those who - like me - enjoy the use of AspectJ in their Spring applications, has put together a fantastic post shining a light on the specific support for services (like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and RabbitMQ) in Cloud Foundry. This is the second post in a series. Read the first one to learn about the basics of services on Cloud Foundry. Awesome posts with great details.
  2. This next post is among the posts that made me smile this week. Roy Clarkson and I did a talk at SpringOne 2GX a few weeks ago on native Android development practices with Spring. We sat down the night before our talk and ran through our deck and demonstrations, only to realize that - in the interim weeks since everything was originally prepared, the delicate spider's web of configuration required to get Eclipse (SpringSource Tool Suite), Maven, and Android all speaking to each other and working correctly had been... disturbed. We did the talk with a non-Maven build with great success, but it still irked us that we had to switch to a regular Eclipse build so that the talk could proceed. Roy, always intrepid and fearless, has since figured out the right permutations of configurations required to get this all working again and - generous guy that he is - he has documented everything in this blog. Check it out! (I know I did!)
  3. Tomcat Expert has another practical column on administering and developing with Apache Tomcat 7. The post explains how to take the default security configuration Apache Tomcat 7 to the next level with a bit of background on the configuration options available.
    <LI> Roger Hughes <a href="http://java.dzone.com/articles/using-jsr-250s-postconstruct">introduces how to use JSR 250's <CODE>@PostConstruct</CODE> and <CODE>@PreDestroy</CODE> annotations</A> to replace the use of the corresponding Spring  callback interfaces, <CODE>InitializingBean</CODE> and <CODE>DisposableBean</CODE>.   </LI> 
    <LI>Michal Huniewicz explains <a href= "http://blog.m1key.me/2011/10/wizard-form-with-spring-mvc…

Updated Maven Support for Android Projects

Engineering | Roy Clarkson | November 07, 2011 | ...

It has been a while since my initial posts on using Maven with Spring Android, and the state of the tools has changed somewhat. With the recent release of the SDK for Android 4.0 and revision 14 of the Android Development Tools (ADT), Google made several changes that impacted the third party Maven plugin support for building Android projects. Fortunately, the teams behind the Android Maven Plugin, and the Android Configurator for M2E have been hard at work to support these latest changes in the Android tools. If you have tried to run the Spring Android Samples recently, then you probably noticed the projects would not build. In this post, I will illustrate the configuration changes necessary to utilize the latest Maven plugins and Eclipse support in the Spring Android Showcase project.

Android Maven Plugin

As of version 3.0.0-alpha-11, The Maven Android Plugin now has a new name, and is now called the Android Maven Plugin. The latest version, 3.0.0-alpha-13 fixes the build issue with Android SDK r14.

Update the Plugin

To update your plugin version, make the following changes to the artifactId and version.


Once modified, you can now run maven from the command line to build your project.

mvn clean install

Potential Build Errors

It is possible that your project will receive a few build errors when you try to build with the new plugin.


When I updated the Spring Android Showcase client, the build failed with the following:

[INFO] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
[INFO] 	at com.android.dx.ssa…

Using Cloud Foundry Services with Spring: Part 2 - Auto-reconfiguration

Engineering | Ramnivas Laddad | November 04, 2011 | ...

If you watched the video for the Cloud Foundry launch event, you saw that we deployed the Spring Travel application downloaded from Spring Web Flow samples, bound a MySQL service to it, and dragged and dropped the application to the Cloud Foundry server in STS, without making a single line of change in the application itself. How’s that possible since the application is configured to use a local database? That’s when auto-reconfiguration comes into play.

Cloud Foundry strives to keep your initial investment low. Beyond dollars and cents, a real investment comes from the time that a developer…

This Week in Spring: November 1st, 2011

Engineering | Adam Fitzgerald | November 01, 2011 | ...

Wow! Last week's SpringOne 2GX event was sensational. It was an amazing time, and it was - as usual - great to see the Spring community going so strong. I can't wait until the videos from the event start to appear on InfoQ.com.

We've got a lot to cover this week, though, so let's get into it!

    Don't tell anyone, but even if you missed SpringOne 2GX, the decks for all the talks should be on SpringOne2GX.com, and the videos for all the talks will be on InfoQ.com soon.

    To tide you over in the short term, the deck from SpringSource CTO Adrian Colyer's keynote - "Spring yesterday, today, and tomorrow" - is available online. Thanks Adrian!

     One of the many big announcements that came from the SpringOne2GX event was	 that of <a href= "http://neo4j.org/spring/">Neo4j 2.0</a>. 
            If you're…

STS Cloud Foundry Integration M5 Released

Releases | Martin Lippert | October 25, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the new milestone release M5 of the Cloud Foundry Integration for the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS).

This milestone release includes support for debugging applications in Cloud Foundry (for local clouds and the upcoming version of Micro Cloud Foundry). You can now start your apps in your local or micro cloud in debug mode and your Eclipse/STS debugger will automatically be connected to your app running inside of Cloud Foundry. You can set breakpoints, inspect variables, evaluate expressions, step through the app - everything you know from he good…

Spring Data MongoDB 1.0.0.M5 Released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | October 24, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce that the Spring Data MongoDB 1.0 Milestone 5 release is now available!

The primary goal of the Spring Data project is to make it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud based data services.

The MongoDB module provides integration with the MongoDB document database.

Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

To learn more about the project, visit the Spring Data MongoDB Page.

There are a number of bug fixes and minor changes to the way certain features work. See the changelog

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