This Week in Spring - January 7th, 2025
Hi, Spring fans, and happy new year! It's been another super seven days since we last spoke and, as always, there's a lot to cover so let's dive right into it!
- A long time in coming, but it's finally here! Hello DCO, Goodbye CLA: Simplifying Contributions to Spring
- the Spring AI hits just keep on coming! Spring AI MCP 0.4.0 (Milestone) Released
- In last week's installment of A Bootiful Podcast, I talk to legendary technologist Dez Blanchfield
- Our very own Michelle Sebek has a nice blog on letting Tanzu, a cloud platform from Broadcom, the company where a good many of the Spring teanm work, do the heavy lifting
- Dhaval Shah has a nice blog looking at virtual threads in Java
- I am a big fan of workflow engines and of Cornelia Davis and of Spring Boot, …