It's easier than ever to create or contribute to a Getting Started Guide

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | January 23, 2014 | ...

Greetings Spring community!

We keep receiving feedback that Spring's Getting Started Guides are smash hit.

So far, we've migrated these guides to Asciidoctor. We have also grown our guides to include client-oriented ones. More are coming!

The final link in the chain of making these guides work in the long term are the navigational links in the sidebar of each guide. We are now using metadata to tag and link various guides together while also connecting them to relevant projects.

For example, if you visit Consuming a RESTful Web Service with AngularJS, you will see a sidebar that contains:

This Week in Spring - January 21st, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | January 22, 2014 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's dive into it!

Quick reminder: if you're in the San Francisco bay area, be sure to join me tomorrow evening at the Oakland JUG where I'll be speaking about Spring and Spring Boot!

  1. Join us on February 11th for a webinar introducing what's coming in Apache Tomcat 8.
  2. Join Spring Data engineers Oliver Gierke and Thomas Darimont on February 18 for a webinar introducing Spring Data repositories best-practices
  3. Check out the replay of Spring MVC ninja Rossen Stoyanchev's talk from SpringOne2GX 2013 on WebSocket Applications with Spring Framework 4.0.
  4. Check out the replay of Spring Security lead Rob Winch's webinar introducing Spring Security 3.2
  5. Check out Mattias Severson's SpringOne 2013 session replay reviewing Spring MVC test APIs.
  6. Spring Security lead Rob Winch has a nice post on how cookies can be exploited if not properly secured.
  7. Meanwhile, over on the Pivotal blog, C24 Founder and CTO John Davies gives us a look at how C24 is delivering high scalability for large financial-services companies with Spring, RabbitMQ, Pivotal, and GemFire.
  8. Les Cast Codeurs, a French language coding podcast (though, fairly well dominated by JVM technologies), interviewed Grails and Reactor committer Stephane Maldini, check it out!
  9. The Squadron blog has a nice post on how to use TLS (and the instructions are basically the same for SSL). This post is not specific to Spring, but if you're looking at Spring Security's X.509 support, then this article will be very useful.
  10. Mkyong is back with another post, this time on using TestNG with Spring.
  11. The Blas from the Pas blog has a nice post on how to use Thymeleaf and Spring MVC. You might also check out our guide on the subject.
  12. Andriy Redko has a nice post on how to use the Scala language sbt build tool with a simple Spring application. The thrust of this post is to introduce sbt, which is an alternative build tool to things like Maven or Gradle.
  13. The Develop and Conquer blog has a nice post on using Spring 4's websocket support.
  14. Our pal Xavier Padró is back, this time with a look at how to migrate XML-configured web applications to the recently released Spring 4.0
  15. Spring Data lead Oliver Gierke's talk from Geecon, Data Access 2.0? Please welcome Spring Data!, is now available online to watch. Enjoy!
  16. Jakub Kubrynski has a nice post on using Spring's Java-centric web configuration options.
  17. The Remove duplications and fix bad names blog has a nice post on unit-testing with Spring and Mockito.
  18. The Isos Tech blog has a post on the subject of using two JPA EntityManagers in one Spring application.

Webinar: Spring Data Repositories – Best Practices

Engineering | Pieter Humphrey | January 21, 2014 | ...

Speakers: Oliver Gierke and Thomas Darimont

The repository abstraction layer is one of the core pieces of the Spring Data projects. It provides a consistent, interface-based programming model to allow implementing data access layers easily for relational and NoSQL databases. We will have a look at the lessons learned from the application of it in various customer projects and summarize best practices for you to apply in your projects. The session will also discuss advanced features like the Querydsl integration, the integration of custom implementation code as well as hooks into Spring MVC and Spring HATEOAS.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 3:00pm GMT Time (London GMT) Register

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 10:00am PST (San Francisco, GMT-08:00) Register

Exploiting encrypted cookies for fun and profit

Engineering | Rob Winch | January 20, 2014 | ...


Developers often incorrectly use encryption in an attempt to provide authenticity. For example, a RESTful application may mistakenly use an encrypted cookie to embed the current user's identity.

The mistake is that encryption can only be used to keep a secret while signing is used to verify authenticity of a message. In this post, I will explain and provide an example of why encryption is not a guarantee of authenticity.

If you just want to see code, feel free to skip to the end which has a sample Java application that demonstrates the exploit.

Encrypted Cookies (whoops)

Assume we…

This Week in Spring - January 14th, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | January 15, 2014 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring!

As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's dive right into it!

By the way, due to overwhelming demand, we're going to repeat the webinar introducing Spring 4 with Juergen Hoeller on January 23rd. Watch this space for when we open up registration. The expected times are:

Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 3:00pm GMT Time (London GMT)

  • closed as of Jan 20th

Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 10:00am PST (San Francisco, GMT-08:00)

  1. The replay of Ben Hale's talk on RESTful API evolution from SpringOne2GX 2013 is now available online
  2. Spring and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite lead Martin Lippert just refreshed the most popular article ever written on JavaLobby, Spring IDE and the Spring Tool Suite - Using Spring in Eclipse. Check it out!
  3. Spring XD lead Dr. Mark Pollack has just announced that Spring XD 1.0.0.M5 is now available
  4. Oliver Gierke's talk from SpringOne2GX "Spring RESTBucks: a Hypermedia Driven REST webservice" is now available online.
  5. Following the crazy success of the Spring 4 webinar on the 9th, Spring project lead Juergen Hoeller has just written a blog detailing the next steps for the framework, including Spring 4.1 and Spring 3.2.7.
  6. Have you tried the crazy cool shell built into Spring Boot? It's powered by CRaSH, which you can learn more about in this video
  7. The replay from Gunnar Hillert and Michael Minella's talk from SpringOne2GX 2013, Integrating Spring Batch and Spring Integration, is now available online.
  8. Matt Stine webinar, Spring with Immutability, is now available online.
  9. Rob Winch just announced that Spring LDAP 2.0.0 is now available online!
  10. Our pal Eugen Paraschiv is back at it again, this time with a post on Spring's HttpMessageConverters.
  11. Jakub Kubrynski has a nice post on integration testing Spring Integration and Spring 4
  12. Gary Russell has just announced that Spring AMQP 1.3.0.M1 and 1.2.1 RELEASE are now available. The new release is very meaty, so if you're using it, I strongly suggest upgrading!
  13. Sproogle 0.3.0, which is an integration with Spring and parts of the Google stack (that don't so far as I can tell include the OAuth pieces that Spring Social Google takes care of), is now available.
  14. On the GoPivotal blog, Steve Greenberg has a nice post on how to add a service to your Cloud Foundry architecture using Spring. Nice! I've been waiting for something like this for a long time!
  15. Our pals on the Vaadin team are doing a webinar on Spring and Vaadin integration best-practices on January 30th, 2014. Check it out!
  16. A little late, but RestHub, which integrates a full Spring-powered REST and web application stack, has just released RESTHub 2.1.4. Check it out!
  17. Rest Assured, which provides an alternative testing API for REST services, has just released a new version that supports Spring MVC.
  18. New Relic has just announced dedicated Grails support.
  19. Zan Thrash did a nice talk on InfoQ about using Node.js ecosystem tools for client-side development along with Grails. The talk has very little to do with Grails, actually, and could as easily be applied to Java and Spring MVC development. These tools are front-and-center for many different types of web application developers, and this talk is a good primer.

Spring XD 1.0.0.M5 Released

Engineering | Mark Pollack | January 10, 2014 | ...

The Spring XD team is pleased to announce that Spring XD 1.0.0 Milestone 5 is now available for download.

Spring XD makes it easy to solve common big data problems such as data ingestion and export, real-time analytics, and batch workflow orchestration. This release includes several notable new features:

This Week in Spring - January 7th, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | January 07, 2014 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! Things are starting to ramp up considerably here on the Spring team. This week, on the 9th, we have the very anticipated Spring 4 release webinar Registration has been crazy! I'll be there, watching and helping to MC. I hope you'll be there too!

Also, if you're in the Bay Area, I'll be speaking at the Oakland JUG on January 22nd for a few hours in an evening we're calling Have You Seen Spring Lately?. We'll look at the epic last year's worth of awesome, including the release of Spring 4, Spring Boot and Spring XD. I hope you'll join us there, too! Bring questions!

  1. On Jan 16th, 2014, our Spring Security lead Rob Winch will introduce the Spring Security 3.2 release and talk about it's support for Java Configuration, CSRF Protection, Security Related HTTP response headers, optional Spring MVC integration, and of course, Spring Framework 4.0.
  2. Patrick Grimard has put together a nice post on using Spring Security 3.2.0's CSRF protection with a Backbone (or, really, any client-facing application). There is, as Spring Security Rob Winch points out, a simpler still way to achieve this.
  3. Feburary is Security month! We've just released a SpringOne2GX 2013 Replay: Data Modelling and Identity Management with OAuth2, with Dr. David Syer..
  4. On the REST front, also just released another SpringOne2GX 2013 Replay: Spring RESTBucks - A hypermedia-driven REST webservice, with Oliver Gierke.
  5. Roy Clarkson put together a great post on how to use WebJars, which lets you manage client-side dependencies like JavaScript using traditional JVM-based build-management tools like Gradle and Maven, along with Spring Boot.
  6. This post - about application instrumentation for logging, is a little old, but I thought it worth mention because it's generally pretty insightful and it demonstrates its concepts in terms of not only the canonical Spring Pet Clinic application, but also the Node.js Node Cellar, and the .NET Music Store. Not bad!
  7. Our pal Petri Kainulainen is back! He's written a nice post on how to use the JOOQ typesafe query API with Spring
  8. This post has so very little to do with Spring, but it does have to do with GemFire XD (our in-memory, distributed data-store that can work in-memory or with HDFS) and a bit of clever Python tinkering to access GemFire XD from Python.
  9. Did you see this epic post on running a Spring Boot-powered web service on a Raspberry Pi?
  10. Ned Lowe's put together a nice post on migrating from Spring MVC 2.0-style MVC applications to the annotation-centric approach available since Spring MVC 2.5.
  11. Thys Michels has put together a nice post on JUnit testing Spring MVC services.
  12. And thanks to the Learning Spring blog for the friendly reminder that Spring applications expose a lot of valuable logging for your exploitation if you simply modify the right configuration files.
  13. Tomas Zezula put together a nice post on Spring's @Primary annotation, which lets you disambiguate the choice for which dependency to use from among many possible dependencies.

Utilizing WebJars in Spring Boot

Engineering | Roy Clarkson | January 03, 2014 | ...

Welcome to 2014! 2013 was an exciting year for Spring, and we look forward to another great year. We have focused on client-side development in a few recent posts, including that we have published several new client-side getting started guides. In a previous post, I also reviewed how easy it is to serve static web content with Spring Boot.

In this post I will continue the discussion about client-side development with Spring Boot as we explore another built-in capability. My previous post included the following excerpt from the source code for WebMvcAutoConfiguration which illustrates how static resources are automatically added to a Spring MVC ResourceHandlerRegistry

This Year in Spring - December 31, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | December 31, 2013 | ...

Happy New Year! Welcome back to this year's final installment of This Week in Spring!

We'll do some of the news, as usual, and then I'll take a look back over the last year in news surrounding Spring, of which there's been much indeed!

  1. Matt Raible, who we know has also been looking at Spring Boot, just wrote up our just-released Spring 4 for InfoQ. Definitely worth a read if you have the time!

This Week in Spring - December 24th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | December 25, 2013 | ...

Happy holidays! Hopefully with the holiday season comes some time off, and a chance to relax and more fully catch up on fun stuff you missed during a busy year. Readers of this column will know there are many channels for developers learning about Spring, and studying the field of technologies that Spring supports. Don't forget about our SpringSource YouTube page, Twitter account, our 15-30 minute "Getting Started" guides, the blog, and of course our Facebook and Google+ pages. I personally want to go back and watch as many SpringOne2GX talks on the YouTube channel as I can.

  1. Remeber JHipster? Julien Dubois's Yeoman-powered code generator for Spring applications? Well, 0.0.6 has been released and it has no required Spring XML (and Java EE's web.xml's the last one!) and provides code-generation support for services.

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