Exception Handling in Spring MVC

Engineering | Paul Chapman | November 01, 2013 | ...

NOTE: Revised April 2018

Spring MVC provides several complimentary approaches to exception handling but, when teaching Spring MVC, I often find that my students are confused or not comfortable with them.

Today I'm going to show you the various options available. Our goal is to not handle exceptions explicitly in Controller methods where possible. They are a cross-cutting concern better handled separately in dedicated code.

There are three options: per exception, per controller or globally.

A demonstration application that shows the points discussed here can be found at http://github.com/paulc4/mvc-exceptions. See Sample Application

Empowering your apps with Spring Boot's property support

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | October 30, 2013 | ...

Spring Boot is continuing to gather steam. Last month I wrote Contributing to Spring Boot with a pull request. I peeled back the layers of Spring Boot to demonstrate it's incredible autoconfiguration features and CLI support.

In this post, I want to dig into Spring Boot's amazing support for properties. Properties are something that are small, not highly visible, yet can quickly strengthen your application in very practical ways. In this post, I'll walk through how I added property support to the Spring JMS support I coded in the previous blog post.

What are properties?

Properties are…

This Week in Spring - October 29th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | October 29, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring!

If you're in the Bay Area, I hope you'll join me at 875 Howard St. in San Francisco at the Pivotal offices on the 5th floor at 5:30 both today and tomorrow. I'll be giving one talk each evening - one on building RESTful services with Spring, and the other a sort of abbreviated look at the latest and greatest in the Spring.IO platform. Also, the SpringOne2GX 2013 keynotes from day 1 and day 2 are now up for your enjoyment. Make sure to check out the Day 1 keynote around 1:13:40 to hear Pivotal Labs - hardcore Ruby developers, talk about their experience with Spring and Spring Boot.

As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  1. For everybody who is looking to quickly increase their Spring knowledge Spring Education is offering a nice end of the year discount on all Spring Training classes in November and December. Please use the following referral code during the registration process: springtime.
  2. At the Strata Conference + Hadoop World 2013, Pivotal announced that Spring for Apache Hadoop / Spring XD has been certified with Pivotal HD, Cloudera's CDH, and Hortonworks HDP products.
  3. Speaking of Spring XD - a new getting started guide on how to use Spring XD to monitor Twitter is now available - check it out!
  4. If you want to learn about Spring for Hadoop and Spring XD, check out the replay of the webinar, What You Can Do With Hadoop: Building Big Data Applications with Hadoop & Spring.
  5. Still Spring and Hadoop hungry? The SpringOne 2GX 2013 Day 2 Keynote Replay is now available -- hear Mark Pollack, Mark Fisher, Michael Minella and Graeme Rocher in their epic keynote ranging from Spring IO, Groovy/Grails, Spring and Hadoop, Big Data, Spring Batch and Integration.
  6. Join Juergen Hoeller for a Spring Webinar Replay: Modern Component Design with Spring from a very recent webinar!
  7. Catch up on the latest in Websockets with Rossen Stoyanchev in a webinar replay: Building WebSocket Browser Applications with Spring
  8. Spring MVC and web CMS users should check out this session from Campbell-Ewald and Magnolia on Bringing Spring Apps to the Web at the US Navy, brought to you by the Spring Team and Magnolia.
  9. On November 19th, I'll join C24 CEO John Davies for a talk, Dynamic Routing at 1 Million Per Second with Spring Integration where we'll discuss how to scale processing with C24's excellent integration technology and Spring Integration
  10. Join me on November 21st for a webinar introducing the latest and greatest coming out of the Spring family as part of Pivotal
  11. Our friend Petri Kainulainen is back at it again, this time with a post on how to add Spring MVC web application registration and login with the Spring Social and Spring Social Security modules.
  12. Nicolas Frankel has put together an interesting post: Dependency Injection and Rich Domain Objects are Compatible.
  13. Dan Woods is back and he's put together a post on creating a backend processor (service tier) with Spring Integration and RabbitMQ
  14. Spring Data ninja Oliver Gierke has announced that the Spring Data Babbage release train SR1 has been released. The release bundles a bunch of important enhancements and bug fixes and is a recommended upgrade. You can find all issues fixed in this release in our JIRA. This release train is named for Charles Babbage, who was a mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, who is best remembered now for originating the concept of a programmable computer.

The spring.io site

Engineering | Chris Beams | October 23, 2013 | ...
$ curl -I springsource.org
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Content-length: 0
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 19:30:00 PST
Location: http://spring.io

Chances are good that if you're reading this post you're well aware that springsource.org has been redesigned and relaunched as spring.io. We're happy to report that since the launch at SpringOne last month, reception for the new site has been positive and constructive. Thanks to all that have been providing feedback via @springcentral – please keep it coming!

If you are looking around for the first time, the all-new collection of guides is a good place to start. Keep in mind that each guide is backed by a GitHub repository, meaning you can clone everything locally and provide feedback via…

This Week in Spring - October 22nd, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | October 22, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I'm in Singapore to talk to developers about the latest and greatest coming out of the Spring group at Pivotal as part of my participation in the Pivotal APJ Summit.

  1. Spring lead Juergen Hoeller will be doing a webinar called Modern Component Design with Spring on October 24th (2 days from now!) Be sure to be there, it's going to be awesome!
  2. On November 19th, I'll join C24 CEO John Davies for a talk, Dynamic Routing at 1 Million Per Second with Spring Integration where we'll discuss how to scale processing with C24's excellent integration technology and Spring Integration
  3. Join me on November 21st for a webinar introducing the latest and greatest coming out of the Spring family as part of Pivotal
  4. Our friend Xavier Padro is back at it again! This time, he's got a blog on using Spring Integration's RMI Channel Adapters
  5. Spring Data ninja Oliver Gierke has put up the slides to his talk on developing for Spring as part of Pivotal, looking at the tools and methodologies employed. This is a great read if you've ever wanted a look inside the chocolate factory..
  6. Spring Data ninja Oliver Gierke has put together a nice response to the question, "what is the difference between Spring HATEOAS and SpringData REST?" Nice question and great answer!
  7. Our pal Petri Kainulainen is at again, this time with a nice tutorial on Sping Data Solr.
  8. Groovy & Grails is now a 4-day class, see the full training program here .
  9. The JavaBeat blog has a nice introduction to how to use the @RequestHeader annotation in Spring MVC. Check it out!
  10. The Java Papers blog has a nice post on how to use a Spring MVC Handler Interceptor.
  11. The InterTech bkig has a nice post introducing Spring MVC's @SesssionAttribute.

This Week in Spring - October 15th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | October 15, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Also, Happy Ada Lovelace day!

This week I'm off to the Lion City, Singapore, to talk to business leaders about Spring at the Asia Pacific Pivotal Summit! If you're in Singapore and want to chat enterprise Java, Spring, Cloud Foundry and big-data, then ping me!

If you're in the San Francisco / Bay Area, then join me at the end of this month, Tuesday October 29 and 30th, at the Pivotal HQ for two talks on Spring: one introducing REST development with Spring, and the other as a general look at the latest and greatest from Spring, as part of Pivotal.

  1. Spring Integration lead Gary Russell has announced that Spring Integration 2.2.6 is now available! latest maintenance release in the current release (2.2.x) branch and includes a number of important bug fixes for (S)FTP, Scripting, TCP, Events, and Mongodb support. Check it out!
  2. Hungry for Hadoop basics? Head over to gopivotal.com to see the replay from the recent Hadoop Webinar series: Building Big Data Applications with Hadoop & Spring.
  3. Join Juergen Hoeller for an annotation-based view of Spring on Thursday Oct 24th: Modern Component Design with Spring, register now for Europe or North America
  4. On Nov 19th, join me and John Davies to learn about Dynamic routing at 1 million per second with Spring Integration. register now for Europe or North America.
  5. On Nov 21st, join me for a webinar, Have you seen Spring Lately? where I talk through everything that has happened with Spring this year, particularly with what was announced at SpringOne this year. Register now for Europe or North America.
  6. Meanwhile, over on the Mkyong.com blog, there's another great post, this one on using Spring MVC and Google Maps for geo location.
  7. The JavaBeat blog has a nice post on how to use the Spring MVC Test Framework to test Spring MVC applications.
  8. The ISOS Technology blog has a nice post on unit testing Spring MVC Portlets
  9. The third installment of a series of posts I did introducing Spring's rich REST stack is now available on the Safari blog. The code, as always, is available on my GitHub account.
  10. You can easily install Spring Boot through Homebrew: brew tap pivotal/tap && brew install springboot. This is of course in addition to some of the other amazing Pivotal technologies that you can get through Homebrew, including the Spring REST Shell (brew install rest-shell), and RabbitMQ (brew install rabbitmq)
  11. Do you want to use RabbitMQ via JMS? Spring ninja Greg Turnquist has done a nice job demonstrating how to use the RabbitMQ JMS connector from Spring). Check out this post for more details!
  12. Microsoft's done a lot of work to make Redis available on Windows! Check out this MSDN Channel 9 video on running Redis on Windows.
  13. the libfugu.so blog provides a quick and dirty look at RabbitMQ. Nice! (and, extra points for finding a domain that looks like a Linux linked library!)
  14. Check out this video demonstrating how to setup New Relic monitoring support for a Spring application running on Cloud Foundry.

This Week in Spring - October 8th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | October 08, 2013 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring

I spent the weekend at the amazing Silicon Valley Code Camp event. It was an amazing event. People who visited the Pivotal booth got a chance to play with Spring Boot. People versed in Java, iOS, Python, .NET, Objective-C, and more all used Spring Boot to setup a RESTful service in a matter of minutes. To be honest, I found the results ("Wow! I didn't know you could do that!") both amusing and very satisfying! People are really getting into Spring Boot.

  1. Speaking of Boot, did you miss Phil Webb's Spring Boot webinar? If so, don't worry! You can watch it online!
  2. Roy Clarkson's announced the availability of Spring Mobile 1.1.0! The new release - as many of you know from having followed this roundup - features improved device detection in LiteDeviceResolver, tablet support in SitePreference and SiteSwitcher, a Java-based configuration API, and LiteDeviceDelegatingViewResolver. Nice!
  3. Martin Lippert's just announced the latest and greatest cuts of the Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (3.4.0) which feature - among many other things - support for following the Getting Started Guides on the home of Spring - Spring.io. These releases also see updated support for Grails 2.2.4, and tc Server 2.9.3.
  4. For more, check out the new & noteworthy. Both tool suites ship on top of the latest Eclipse Kepler SR1 release. The next version (3.5.0) is scheduled to arrive in March 2014, shortly after the Eclipse Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) release.
  5. Did you miss the amazing Platform CF conference? Don't fret, the videos of the show are trickling up online. Ashwin Kumar, a principal Software Engineer at Pivotal, did a great job introducing Pivotal HD as a Cloud Foundry Service. Pivotal HD is the world's fastest Hadoop distribution, leveraging the mature SQL query engine known as HAWQ.
  6. Not strictly Spring related, but there's a nice post on the GoPivotal blog on analyzing retail data using HAWQ and Madlib, the analytics (and machine learning!) engine originally part of Greenplum and now available to HAWK users. Nice post! This whole stack integrates nicely through Spring XD, of course, but even if it didn't, that's a really cool use case!
  7. Did you miss SpringOne2GX 2013? Check out the first night's keynote featuring Pivotal CEO Paul Maritz, Adrian Colyer, David Syer, Juergen Hoeller, Chris Beams and Edward Hieatt!
  8. Check out the replay of Param Rengaiah's webinar, Taming Coupling and Cohesive Beasts with Modularity Patterns and Spring!
  9. Are you looking for the downloadable .zip distributions for Spring? We'll make them easier to find on our new site soon, but in the meantime, simply visit the Artifactory repository and type in spring-framework in the search field. Dig a bit and you'll find it. This a more direct link.

This Week in Spring - October 1st, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | October 02, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! There is, of course, lots to talk about so let's get to it.

If you're in the bay area, I'd like to invite you to the Silicon Valley Code Camp this weekend. I'll be giving two talks - one on building RESTful Services with Spring and the other on Improving Spring Java configuration muscle-memory with the amazing Phill Webb. Pivotal will also have a booth there, and we'd love to see you!

  1. Spring Data Arora SR3 has been released! The new release folds in Spring Data Commons 1.5.3, Spring Data JPA 1.3.5, Spring Data MongoDB 1.2.4 and Spring Data Neo4j 2.2.3. Nicely done, as usual, Oliver!

Contributing to Spring Boot with a pull request

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | September 20, 2013 | ...

In case you missed this year's SpringOne 2GX conference, one of the hot keynote items was the announcement of Spring Boot. Dave Syer showed how to rapidly create a Spring MVC app with code that would fit inside a single tweet. In this blog entry, I will peel back the covers of Spring Boot and show you how it works by putting together a pull request.


Spring Boot has a powerful autoconfiguration feature. When it detects certain things on the classpath, it automatically creates beans. But one feature it doesn't yet have is support for Spring JMS. I need that feature!

The first…

The Maven Dependency Dance with Spring Android, Spring Social and Spring Security

Engineering | Josh Long | September 17, 2013 | ...

Roy Clarkson (@royclarkson) and I gave a talk at SpringOne2GX 2013 in which we talked about building REST services with an eye towards consuming those services on mobile platforms like Android and iOS. This talk demonstrates the progressive evolution of an application using Spring MVC, Spring HATEOAS, Spring Data REST, Spring Security, Spring Security OAuth, and Spring Android. The code's benefited from a lot of help from Rob Winch,

Layout of the Code

The code for the talk is on my GitHub account (github.com/joshlong/the-spring-rest-stack). Importantly, the code lives in the code directory. Beneath that there are two choices: web (where you'll find the rest, hateoas, hateoas-data, and oauth, social modules) and client (where you can load the Android module and the iOS module). The modules in the web folder in respective order, demonstrate the evolution of a simple REST service which incorporates hypermedia, Spring Data repositories and OAuth security. The social

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