This Week in Spring - June 2, 2020
Hi, Spring fans. We've got a ton of stuff to cover this week so let's get to it.
- Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR6, Hoxton.SR5 and 2020.0.0-M2 (aka Ilford) are Available
- A Bootiful Podcast: Dr. Malini Bhandaru on EdgeX and the opportunities for developers in the IoT space
- Spring Security OAuth 2.5.0 Released
- Spring Fu 0.3.0 and beyond
- Spring Tools 4.6.2 released
- Spring Batch Integration
- What's new in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.0
- This Month in RabbitMQ
- A really nice thread about using Spring Boot, GraalVM native images, and Azure Functions
- Running Spring Boot GraalVM Native Images with Docker & Heroku
- Understanding Apache Maven - a great series by Chandra Guntur
- New blog post: Static Compilation of Java (and Spring Boot-based) Applications at Alibaba at Scale](…