This Week in Spring - June 23, 2020
Hi, Spring fans! What a week it's been! Tomorrow I'll be presenting a webinar on the easy integration between Spring Boot and Tanzu Wavefront. Wavefront is an all-in-one, integrated distributed tracing metrics analytics observability platform. Join us tomorrow to learn about observability, about Wavefront, and their integration in the Spring ecosystem with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Micrometer, among other things.
We've so many great things to look at this week so let's get to it!
- Spring Tools 4.7.0 released
- A Bootiful Podcast: Nisha Kumar and Rose Judge on the Linux Foundation's project Tern
- What's new in Spring Boot 2.3
- Getting Started With RSocket: Spring Security
- Spring Tips: Spring and Graal (pt. 2)
- Spring Boot for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire 1.1.8.RELEASE and 1.2.8.RELEASE available!
- Julien Dubois on an Azure Native Function with Spring Cloud Function
- VMworld 2020 Digital Edition
- I love this Spring Data JDBC example demonstrating an integration with JOOQ.
- Check out the rewritten getting started guide on using Spring Data JPA with Azure Database for MySQL
- A great post on Okta Developer: Angular, Docker with a Big Hug from Spring Boot …